Necessary Additions to MNC Server Operations

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat PC Dedicated Server Discussion' started by Brett, January 24, 2011.

  1. Brett

    Brett New Member

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    I spent quite a bit of time trying to get MNC working on our game panel so that we could offer beta servers prior to the release (later today now). It took me and another staff member 2 days and a lot of hours to figure out how exactly to get this running with TCAdmin, and thankfully he was experienced with the UT3 engine.

    Basically the -multihome command does not seem to work. When I set the game up, I was having the game panel install the game on port 7777 and just increment the IP address (using the multihome command line option). These servers showed on the browser but would reject connections as soon as a player tried. This command line option really needs to be looked at before the game is released as it is almost worthless in its current state to anyone running TCAdmin.

    The -ServerInstance command line option is nice, but the average game panel has no support for incrementing random command line values. I have had to manually setup every server that we have rented thus far due to this problem.

    So as of right now, the game must be installed on the Master IP as it does not seem to allow connections otherwise. Most of our machines have large IP blocks and this is preventing us from using any of them except one. I hope the -ServerInstance option will just be there for people running home servers, and not something that is required for companies to use.

    I can also understand the requirement for PhysX to be installed on the server machine as the server handles the physics, but the DirectX requirement makes no sense. I assume this is simply because it is in Beta, but I really hope the server files are decoupled from the actually game executable asap.
  2. Brett

    Brett New Member

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    Were any of these addressed prior to the release?
  3. Ramoni3D

    Ramoni3D New Member

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    To add to this:

    -multihome would be nice, but not a neccisity. Now that multiple servers run on a single machine it's doable. Still it would be nice to at least be able to define the port per server instance ourselves (unlike you we can increment ports or values automatically upon setup, so it's not a massive problem).

    Regarding "outside" packages being required: This is something you quickly learn to live with. Our standard server image includes physx, directx, .net framework and several other external packages that servers rely on from time to time.

    To add to the "request list":

    The only thing we really need at this time would be to bring the configuration files inside the gameserver directory. The way our panel is configured we run everything from the server directory, having configuration files outside that directory just makes things overly complicated.

    Once we have that option and possibly ip/port binding I don't see any glaring problems with the server files from a hosting point of view.
  4. Ekanaut

    Ekanaut Uber Alumni

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