Naval air defense weakness

Discussion in 'Backers Lounge (Read-only)' started by sovietski, September 27, 2013.

  1. sovietski

    sovietski New Member

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    Hey all,

    I know there's much left to do about balance, but there's definitely no question that the frigates in-game do not have the firepower needed to protect fleets at sea yet, especially battleships, from concentrated bomber attacks. I know air power beats sea-power, but I propose a "Cruiser" class of ship that can fire from multiple banks of missiles at oncoming bombers to actually give naval groups a fighting chance against enemy air power before their own backup can get there.

    For that matter, why not give us a CIWS or two on the battleship/missile ship? Or perhaps even some torpedoes for the destroyer? Having diverse weapons platforms is one of the main advantages of a big ship. I think they should punch well above the weight of aircraft so you'll really be forced to build a navy if you want to take the seas instead of just launching airstrikes all day.

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