Natural obstacles (I've used search please don't kill me)

Discussion in 'Planetary Annihilation General Discussion' started by noaveragejoe, May 31, 2013.

  1. noaveragejoe

    noaveragejoe Member

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    Hi All,

    Ok so i searched the forum but didn't find anything along my lines of thinking so what is one more topic in the giant whirling mass of topics :lol:.

    Right moving on.

    I wanted to suggest path obstacles to make the planets feel dynamic without heavy physics and coding. This is borrowing from starcraft 2. I would like to see dry river beds on the earth-like worlds shown in the devblogs. All that would happen is at various times in the game a river bed would flood, just rise up from the bottom to top creating a natural obstacle for land units.

    To me this idea is cool be because while it cuts of land travel, it will create new routes for naval units. It makes players think more about future attack because previous routes may not be available for use.

    It could also be devastating if you were in the process of crossing it with an armada of land units and it floods destroying a nice chunk of units, same with naval tryign to cross flooded beds between two bodies of water and its drys out mid transit destroying the boats.

    This could be used with volcanoes too without actual physics to make water or lava flow dynamically. At some point the volcano erupts the skin change to show lava on the slope and lava will cut off a predetermined part of the map until it "cools" returning to normal ground taking any units crossing at the time with it.

    I do not believe this is difficult to create and i think would add allot to the game.

    Starcraft 2 example for those not in the know,

    Just use your imagination to see how slick this would be with water. It could be a very cool feature without being overly complex.

    What say you community.

  2. zaphodx

    zaphodx Post Master General

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    Re: Natural obstacles (I've used search please don't kill me

    I like this idea. It fits kinda well when you have a 3d arena where you can be attacked from all sides.
  3. Neumeusis

    Neumeusis Active Member

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    Re: Natural obstacles (I've used search please don't kill me


    You should watch this Live Stream (March 22).

    We can hear Neutrino talking about lava coming out from the big creater in the future (dynamic terrain modification), or Elijah talking about the Flow Field (dynamic reaction from the units regarding the terrain modification).

    Altrough there is no direct information about your idea, we can assume something similar is planned.
    Maybe ;-)
  4. veta

    veta Active Member

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