I see a lot of discussions about auto-repair or repair units and also about support builders to speed up construction as well as reclaim in areas and such and then I remembered the Nano Tower unit from the Balanced Annihilation mod from TA and it's functions. For those who don't know the Nano Tower was a small tower-like building that would automatically repair, reclaim, and auto support buildings or units being constructed that are in the tower's range. The tower would autoreclaim wreckage and matter and autorepair unless it has been issued a command. It was very effective with it's incredible speed boost when helping in construction of units and buildings but keep in mind that it was mass and energy costly. I was thinking perhaps a similar unit should be added into this game for the sake of having a viable and efficient unit capable of doing all of the functions above and can be upgraded to increase range and so forth. Thoughts on this? Anyone that can share more info I might have missed that has used this unit in Balanced Annihilation(or other mods/games) in TA?
I think this showed up in the UberHack as well, though I'm not sure which one came first. In any case, yes, this would be a great option to have available. Something more durable than an engineer unit, but immobile and longer range as well.
Uberhack -> Absolute Annihilation -> Balanced Annihilation. FA also had it as a UEF structure, and it's used in Zero K as well.
Cybran hade it too, the hive. Worked much better then the UEF version too, since the UEF version sent out drones that could be destroyed, while the Hives drones was the same as you get when you normaly build as cybran, and therefor couldent be destroyed (it basicly hade no real drone units, just a visual effect that showed something drone like).
It would be nice to have a toggle for automatic assisting, due to the problem that theses towers often have the problem with assisting things within their radius when later on I will need them to repair and reclaim after an attack but they will still be assisting a large construction.
I completely agree, they need to add the same to engineer patrols. Sometimes you want them to just reclaim, or just repair, without them stopping to assist every factory or construction project and without having to micro them. (Its been said on the forums by countless others, i just with someone could confirm it allredy xD)
I really liked the FA nano towers, and I think they would solve a lot of the auto repair arguments, and yeah we need to be able to toggle assisting so they don't ignore damaged buildings and tank your economy trying to help a factory pump out units faster.