Name change reset and AI not being very aggressive

Discussion in 'Support!' started by Auraenn, September 7, 2014.

  1. Auraenn

    Auraenn Active Member

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    I've changed my name on PA recently and for some odd reason it keeps resetting itself to the first name I chose everytime I leave the main menu to play the game or everytime I start the game. Not sure why but I'd love to see a fix for this soon. I don't really like having to change my name everytime I play.

    I've also been playing the AI lately and for some odd reason they rarely attack me, even on the highest difficulty with a small resource bonus they rarely go in for an attack. They'll attack unguarded mex and what not but they rarely ever go for my main base. I asked about this earlier in the general but somebody said I should mention it here.
    igncom1 likes this.
  2. drsheeptm2

    drsheeptm2 New Member

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    I have been having the same issue with the name, and from my small experience with galactic war, the AI appears to have become MUCH more hostile.
  3. Auraenn

    Auraenn Active Member

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    I noticed that in GW the AI were fine and pretty challenging but when I play skirmish or against an AI with my friend they rarely attack and are super easy peasy even on the highest difficulty with a resource bonus. They just rarely ever try to attack you. It's strange.

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