My Server and people who play on it.

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat PC Discussion' started by Dubspwns, December 21, 2010.

  1. Dubspwns

    Dubspwns New Member

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    My in-game name is Poke'Dubs. And I've had several people play on my server who all told me the same thing:

    "Stop stacking the teams, its not fair! Blah blah blah!"

    My response:

    I host my server so that my friends and I can play together. We sit around playing while chatting in mumble. The teams are not "stacked" for every game the teams are random based on rank or something. If my friends and I end up on the same team it usually does end up in a victory for us. That's because we're communicating and planning out our moves. If that upsets you then just leave and stop spamming my server with your whining.

    I do believe I have a valid point.
  2. Gturtle

    Gturtle New Member

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    Do you take requests for moving people onto other teams?

    i.e. if me and my friends join, and you're present can I be like "hey Poke'Dubs can you move [name] to the other team so we can play together"?
  3. Dubspwns

    Dubspwns New Member

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    Tell me the command to do that and I will. I really don't mind.

    I understand wanting to play with your friends.
  4. Gturtle

    Gturtle New Member

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    Oh, I wasn't aware that you didn't know the command (and am not aware if there is a command at all)
  5. Dubspwns

    Dubspwns New Member

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    As far as I know, no server commands work at the moment. Add me on steam! We'll talk there.
  6. MikeyTWolf

    MikeyTWolf New Member

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    Yes, it's called pubstomping for a reason. Just like camping, it is valid, but still poor sportsmanship.

    Oh wait, sorry, are you just waving about a metaphorical iron fist, or just complaining about people complaining? The mature thing to do is to just ignore people you have a problem with if it's not kick/ban serious, rather than coming over here and telling everyone off.

    There's an old saying, it goes "Haters gonna hate."
  7. Polynomial

    Polynomial Moderator Alumni

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  8. MikeyTWolf

    MikeyTWolf New Member

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    That's not how you open the console you moron... in BRITAIN!

    On our UK english layout it's the apostrophe (') which is the lower case @, whereas on a US layout the @ appears to be on 2 for some reason.

    Dunno about other keyboard layouts. I always thought it was a bit weird that the apostrophe was console, or tab instead of tilde.
  9. acousticdank

    acousticdank New Member

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    I don't understand what your point is. Aren't you doing the exact same thing you are describing?

    Basically OP has a server, there is no such command to stack teams, sometimes his buddies end up on the same side and they own and people complain. I think it's just letting people know that it's not intentional and to quit whining. Considering there doesn't seem to be a way to set a server msg, this seems like a good place to do it.
  10. Skizzen

    Skizzen New Member

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    Its just a game? I dont see whats hard to understand about this.

    If someone stacks up with his friends they are probably having fun, like your supposed to. Its a shame there isnt an in-game alltalk or something on this game, actually laughing about happenings in game can make heavy rolls alot more entertaining for all involved.

    Personally I have never left a server in any game because I am losing to players working well together or being good at the game. Its a challenge and without a compitent team in this game its almost impossible to overcome, but you make a game of it if you can, if you cant you get better by trying to.

    Theres so many people in this game that need to chill. I am so glad there is chat in the lobby now, already I have had people screaming about stealing the game in overtime and its a great opertunity to just laugh about it.

    My point is, if its your server and you want to play with your friends and you eventually have a way to actually stack it up you should totally do it and ignore people who moan about it.
  11. SALT

    SALT New Member

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    Is there a way to choose which team you're on?

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