My one complaint

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 Feedback and Issues' started by TankShadows, April 5, 2011.

  1. TankShadows

    TankShadows New Member

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    Now I don't intend for this to turn into a flame thread or a call out the noob thread or anything like that. I just want to express the only grievance I have with this game. I know its not hard to counter or anything I just see it as a slight, not game breaking, problem

    My only complaint is with the snipers explosive shots. And the only reason I have a complaint with them is it rewards snipers for having no sense of accuracy just the ability to hit a large group of bots. I know to just stay away from the bots when I see the explosions, but its not always the easiest thing in the world to escort a group of bots as a tank and not feel the wraith of these bullets.

    I would never suggest removing them from the game as I see how they can be crucial in the clearing of bots if your normal clearing specialist is currently hitting the Respawna. I'd just like to see them tweaked a bit to not do so much damage to targets within the radius.

    Uber I thank you guys for making such an amazing game, easily my favorite in the last three or four years that I've had an xbox.
  2. That Dutch Guy

    That Dutch Guy New Member

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    Maybe you should stay out of the bot-lanes when there's a sniper explosive-shotting it and just try to go do something else?

    Because it sounds like all you will do is get killed, run into a bot lane only to get explosive-shotted again, rage, get killed again, rage even more, go to forums and make a thread about it.
  3. TankShadows

    TankShadows New Member

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    This isn't even rage. Do you see mass amounts of expletives or random ignorant rambling about how one class is insanely OP just because its a counter to my most used? No I'm just suggesting a slight drop in the radius of the explosion, simply because even if I don't stand right next to the bots I still get hit by it. Most of the time its when I'm around a corner from the bots themselves.
    I stay out of the bot lanes as much as I can but its hard to escort when your not near them now isn't it? I've tried the Hudson RoF build and it just doesn't work for me or my play style so therefor the rail gun is out of the question.

    I rarely ever post complaints about this game and I'm usually pretty civil in the forums I fail to see how I meet the criteria for you to try to break down my argument. If you have a suggestion other then what I've tried I'm always open to suggestions.
  4. Organous

    Organous Member

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    I'd kinda like for each bullet to cause explosive damage once per bullet. By that I mean if I'm next to 3 Black Jacks, one bullet should hit me with one explosion, not 1 explosion per bot. I don't mind all 4 of us getting hit, but the damage on me should be the same as if there were just 2 of us.

    Actually, snipers don't get to snipe much in this game. Lag and constant movement make that unrealistic. Explosive rounds compensate for that.
  5. TankShadows

    TankShadows New Member

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    See I'd be okay with that too. But if a group of bots lines up the second I walk up next to them why should that one bullet be enough to almost drain my health dry.

    I actually never see that lag problem when it comes to sniping and most snipers I play with and against never seem to be suffering from any. Maybe they do and I just don't notice it
  6. AmazeTheory

    AmazeTheory New Member

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    Space yourself from the bots enough to not get hit. If your playing with friends communicate to take the sniper out. If not, work on getting him yourself. Sneak round behind him. Take his spots and push bots faster. The tanks rail gun combined with product 2/3 is great for bots, even better than a sniper. The sniper has to be still or strafing when killing bots. Try and hit him with rail gun shots to harass him, maybe even aim a nice product to the face. Be more aggressive than him, push harder, because if you run away, tail between your legs, he will build on that and you will be forced back even further, allowing snipers to get into better spots.
    I suppose from a tanks view it's very annoying, but remember Snipers are meant to be counters to heavies....Assassins and Assaults should be dealing with them not you really. If you get in close counters they are screwed though. Charges and death blossoms with end them pretty fast. Hope this helped.
  7. TankShadows

    TankShadows New Member

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    I took most of this into consideration already hoping I'd have decent enough teammates that atleast one of them can distract him enough. I don't usually play aggressively versus pros but I'll give it a shot
  8. Organous

    Organous Member

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    Unless they're host, it's the latter. Even the smallest delay is enough to deny a headshot. Getting one on a moving target is luck more than anything (I admit I've had plenty). This forces them to rely on body shots, but even then, you're hoping to be lucky with most classes. Exlpsions allow otherwise difficult shots to become significantly more realistic, such as (in order of relevance):
    Assault Charge 3
    Anyone hit by Bouncers
    Assassin grapple
    Sniper Grapple

    Other snipers in other games can be expected to be accurate, but the general game design here makes any unhosted Sniper cringe. He can't necessarily be accurate with any level of lag.
  9. OfficerFuttBuck

    OfficerFuttBuck Active Member

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    Or if your name is sigmar, it's more modding than anything :lol:
  10. MLGIntervention

    MLGIntervention Active Member

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    I think sigmar is ridiculous im sure most people have played him he is never host and still can consistently hit shots on any target. He is just good with the sniper his counter class is the assault and he still can live up close you will fly out of his ice traps doesnt matter by this time he has had muti hits on you with the sniper. The kid is just dumb.
  11. F5in

    F5in New Member

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    This is exactly what I've been saying. The sniper's bullet should only be able to do one bullet's worth of damage to someone, not multiple bullets (in the case of multiple explosions). He doesn't really need any nerfs other than this but this nerf is definitely needed.

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