The first time I ever heard of this game was when I watched a video about it by nerdcubed, a voiceover of the concept video. I was fastinated and amazed by what the video promised, SPHERICAL PLANETS, PLANET SMASHING, TONS OF UNITS, IMPOSSIBLE!!! But I subbed to the uber channel on YouTube, I watched the live streams, read the forums, waiting for the day that gameplay would be shown. Then it arrived... I nearly crapped myself, I was so amazed, they not only delivered on this concept, they enhanced it, with the terrain, the graphics, and etc. Alpha arrived and I deemed my computer unfit for playing, so I waited, until this summer when I got a new computer. I bought the game during the steam summer sale for cheap and played for hours on end, having exciting experiences, like steering a planet into the sun with my enemies on it, or a beautiful orbital defense. Now on to the meat of my review. This game is not perfect, nothing is. But when you step back and look, I'm amazed by all the work that uber has done, with a small team. Balance isn't done yet, but they have fixed air and vehicle for the most part, but bots is a little op and navy is underpowered. Much more balance is needed and some units need to be readded to the game, like the t1 aa not, or subs. They should be judged by WHAT THEY HAVE DONE, not by WHAT HASNT BEEN DONE. i can wait for the unit cannon and the asteroids. That is my review. NOTICE DONT TURN THIS REVIEW THREAD INTO AN SPAM FEST WITH WHINING AND WHAT NOT. THIS GAME ISNT DONE. GIVE THEM TIME.
I'd wager the guess that most of the early access crowd are fine with Uber's roadmap. However, I'm not sure that professional reviewers and new customers will subscribe to Uber's idea of "release" just being an arbitrary point of time in a game's life cycle.
Well I don't subscribe to them being okay with GTA5 at release them. Delayed, buggy, required constant updates afterwards, to this day isn't release feature complete. I paid for and play that game, as it gets better with updates it becomes more worthwhile that I invested time earning unlockables early. If this game does deliver linux fix, serverside, reasonable balance, new units over the course of time, and such, it will be worth supporting y'know?
This is the part where everyone riots! Nope. I'll stick with the HEY UBER! Your game IS JUST AWESOME! Now just fix these little things and everything will be UBER AWESOME....kinda like Christmas.
The game is fantastic as it is. Sure balance needs some ongoing work, but that is true of any RTS at anytime EVER. The things that gamers/reviewers may complain about on release are really all non issues... but they will complain. Here is the list: - Skirmish mode is not easy to find. This is an easy fix. Just add a skirmish button to the main menu. - Offline mode. Only pirates and people with shitty internet connections care about this. I'm not expecting it to be there at release so expect lots of noise, but really in terms of the game it matters very little as long as its released before Uber goes bankrupt. - No Shields. Most competent players agree that shields are bad for game play as they promote turtle style play. Most newbs prefer turtle and think Shields are AWESOME. See the problem? - No Megabots/Experimentals. Just as for shields, players who like long non-competitive games will not understand why these arent in the game given they were in supcom. Oh .. and yes the Unit Cannon falls into this category. Okay to finish the complement sandwich.... This game is a a kickstarter game with no traditional publisher that has already delivered a working game where you can SMASH PLANETS INTO EACH OTHER. It also echos the best elements of Total Annihilation (yes I am starting to love the Dox just as much as I loved the Peewee) as well as continuing the challenge to the Starcraft style of RTS where micro and build order timing reign king. PA is starting to show that mirco can take a back seat. (Example game: ) Anyway...