My name is Cheesecake, and I am a ragequitter

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 General Discussion' started by Cheesecakecrush, November 30, 2010.

  1. Cheesecakecrush

    Cheesecakecrush New Member

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    Discuss what causes you to ragequit. I'll go through my big ones.

    Joining a game, and your team's moneyball is flashing red with 10% or less health while the enemy ball is 100%.

    Joining a game, hearing gunfire and juice going off outside of the spawn, so i poke my head out and get killed in under a second to juiced spawn campers.

    Joining a game (notice a trend? :p), heading out of spawn, then getting attacked by a camping sniper that is 10 and 0, and there has only been 1:30 elapsed of gametime. Oh yeah, he has juice ready to go too.

    Ok, GO!
  2. krunkthuzad

    krunkthuzad New Member

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    Nothing pisses me off faster then the opposition doing better then me. How dare they have the nerve to use totally legal tactics to dominate their enemy without even taking their feelings into consideration.

    Get some thicker skin man.
  3. Gentleman

    Gentleman New Member

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    Yeah I do a bit.
  4. MagnumVeritan

    MagnumVeritan New Member

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    When playing in a game for 7 minutes and wondering how the entire other team seems to have maxed all their skills, have fully upgraded turrets, are pushing bots into your base, and are buying juice when you glance at the scoreboard and see you have three folks on your team with under 5 kills and over 25 deaths each.
    Rest assured the only three players who won't leave that lobby are those and they will be on your team every single match. And one of them will be the host and sing in the lobby.

    When I load into a game where the whole rest of my team are playing one class and the moneyball is at half health three minutes into the game.
    Not one of those 5 grasped the concept of trying to play for the team and to add another set of skills nor are enough of them good enough at that class to be effective.

    When I load into a game with 4 teammates sitting in the spawn taunting repeatedly and we aren't even being camped.
    Once or twice as you get a turret kill right as you respawn or need a few extra bucks for something is normal. Spending half the early game in there makes me wonder what game they think they are playing.

    Stomping the same group of folks who aren't 99's
    99 comes at a reasonably quick rate, so anyone not there yet I am not entirely sure has had enough time to really invest and enjoy the game, so beating them down just seems destructive to the community. Not to mention games where the hardest foes are the stationary turrets don't feel very fun to win.
  5. MootPinks

    MootPinks New Member

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    HAHAHA! You forgot to mention they all play assassin and sound about 4 years old.

    I only rage quit for lag. Normally if I join a team and we're getting massacred I just take it and try and fight back and get a few kills. And swear a lot.
  6. Cheesecakecrush

    Cheesecakecrush New Member

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    I'll assume you were responding to me. You didn't read much of the post, did you? ALl of my reasons involved joining a game in progress, and only one involved a particular person doing well, albiet by sitting by his base farming kills.

    My ragequits involve games that are either already lost, or the other team already has my team pinned in their base and are ignoring bots to farm killls.

    Why should I get some thicker skin when I can keep my thin skin and play games where i have a chance at having fun? Throw me in a fresh match, please.
  7. No-Blood

    No-Blood New Member

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    No blood drives by pointing and laughing at the rage quitters, he takes both hands off the steering wheel to point which causes him to hit the broad side of a bus.
  8. Cheesecakecrush

    Cheesecakecrush New Member

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    I know a guy who hit a school bus broadside. He knocked it over. He was stopped, he went, hit the bus and it tipped right over.

    Makes all those years in the bus seem a little less safe now. O.O
  9. krunkthuzad

    krunkthuzad New Member

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    Granted joining a lopsided game usually isn't very much fun for either side, but instead of quitting in a flurry of nerd rage try and have some fun with it.

    I've joined games where my team was outnumbered, being camped and generally not making any attempt to leave the base. You'd be suprised how fast a match can turn around with two blazers going up. Granted you probably will not win due to the late start but stretch it out into overtime man, dont just quit like a small girly man.
  10. Z Bear

    Z Bear New Member

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    No thanks. I don't feel the need to play by your rules. Just like they have the right, within the game mechanics, to sit outside the spawn of a game I've just joined and camp because apparently they find that fun, I have the right to leave that game and join one that I find fun. I make wind in the general direction of your arbitrary rule-making. As the wise and ancient aging guru Im Hudson once said, should I prioritize your fun over my own?
  11. JaneWayne

    JaneWayne New Member

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    Hmmm, I quit due to lag or invites to other games. Gosh that lag sure makes me angry but nothing makes me RAEG more than a game invite! :evil: If I get an invite I have to make sure to take someone out with me first though, grr. That or I go into the opponent base, destroy everything or build a quick LazerBlazer 3. If the team is going to be down a man I might as well do something for the team. If I end up failing I just give up, wave bye and join my friend's game xD

    I try not to actually quit, if I join a game and my team is gonna lose in the next ten seconds, I do a quick spawn room taunt, it's a free and easy 300 some odd bucks :D
  12. Zigzag2020

    Zigzag2020 New Member

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    Team Deathmatch.

    Last night me and some buds were playing against this group of people who would just go straight defensive not push any bots and wait for overtime then send everybody ((Snipers everywhere)) into the base and just destroy our ball in like zilch time. Could be my lack of skill or my teammates but I upgraded at least 2 classes to full skills in the time of the match it was rather annoying. This went on for at least 4 games.

    Also joining a match and I'm the only one on the other team against a full group.
  13. Bambam Bm

    Bambam Bm New Member

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    I rage quit when the other 11 players also rage quit
  14. hostileparadox

    hostileparadox Well-Known Member

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    Reasons I ragequit:

    1) Joined game, moneyball is about to explode, no other team mates.
    2) Lag
    3) Entire team is 0K / 10D
    4) Entire team is assassins.
    5) Playing against a party of 99s in a pub with randoms.

    Nothing in the game makes me particularly ragequit, it's usually the conditions.
  15. Fighter4Christ

    Fighter4Christ New Member

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    1. Lag, by far, is the worst.
    2. Joining a game and seeing a team of all assassins.
    3. It usually doesn't make me quit, but whenever somebody makes a REALLY bad choice with longshots on SP.

    Unlike others, I like being on the underdog team. If I get paired with people who are bad and see a team of 99's on the otherside, I accept the challenge head on.
  16. Obsydianyte

    Obsydianyte New Member

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    I don't really ragequit. That involves rage.
    And while some things do get on my nerves sometimes, I never outright quit a match out of rage.

    However, I WILL leave under the following conditions:
    ~I join a match that has already been decided.
    ~I join a team that already has two Assassins (as it would be silly to add another).
    ~Something has come up and I need to leave the house.
    ~I'm in a party that decides it would be best to leave the game and find another one.

    Even in the LAGGIEST of laggy matches, I'll stick back and guard the base and build turrets, acting as a Support in a ninja's guise. I may not be doing the RIGHT job, but at least I'm doing one.
  17. krunkthuzad

    krunkthuzad New Member

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    Leaving a match due to lag isn't really a rage quit, but I whole heartedly agree with you about the being in a random group vs a team of high caliber players. It's a learning experience, if I was on their side I wouldn't learn anything new from smashing pubs to dust.
  18. ObiFett

    ObiFett New Member

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    I never quit in the middle of a game. If I join an already lost cause of a game, I will use my spawn room to wait out juice-rushing spawn campers and then pop out to headshot them when they get stuck in my traps.

    Also, if a room is severely unbalanced for multiple games, I will leave to find a more competitive/balanced one.
  19. sensitivepsycho

    sensitivepsycho New Member

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    If I join a terribly spawn-camped game, I'll either go Assassin and scurry into the enemy base to take down turrets, or go Support and try to heal my hapless team mates.

    If I start a game and my entire team decides to go 'Sin/Sniper, I go Support, mutter angrily and taunt when they run up to me on fire. Passive aggression is the best kind of aggression.

    Luckily, I've stuffed my friend list with the best, brightest and most sexah MNC players - and I even added Ian - so I always have someone to play with.
  20. Edward Coug

    Edward Coug New Member

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    My name is Edward, and I stole your assault build.

    I also hate joining games when they're already over unless I see someone good and then I usually stay.

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