My List of Nerfs/Buffs

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 Feedback and Issues' started by ShadowSonicZ, August 13, 2010.

  1. ShadowSonicZ

    ShadowSonicZ New Member

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    *edit* Take this list of suggestions lightly as it only comes from about 24 hours of gameplay time. With the inclusion of the Sponsorship Upgrades and Crits, it's too hard to determine if something should be balanced due to inconsistency. Until someone documents the actual damage of weapons and Sponsorship Upgrades effects, its too early to judge. *edit*

    I've put in a decent amount of hours to get the ideas of what I'm about to say; as a level 42 player.

    • -Any class who has a grapple skill should have a cool down time half of the normal grapple cool down if that class uses the standard grapple with a weapon
      -Annihilator needs to be increased to $500 with 1/4 less cooldown time
    • -Steel Peel needs to be reworked so people from spawn can't shoot directly into other team spawn from across the map
      -Needs another Launch Pad on the right of spawns
    Most grapples kill when leveled up, but being able to use two grapples right away is a bit unfair advantage as there is no way to counter throws so it's an almost guaranteed death. The Annihilator idea mostly comes from the idea that it can take out Jackbots out right away, and $250 isn't that much to take those out and also every other bot on the map. Increasing the price should lower the timer to balance it out. Steel Peel is just spam fest for anyone who can shoot across the map. It also becomes a situational map of whoever gains the height advantage of the 2nd level ledge above the enemy's base can overpower the base. It's especially makes it too easy for Support's to just spam Airstrike and take out turrets right away.

    • -Primary Assault gun needs to do less damage
      -Grenade Launcher needs to a lot shorter
    • -2nd level B charge skill needs to have a bit more push back
    His gun does a lot of damage, almost as fast as a Gunner's minigun from what I've experienced. His Grenade Launcher also needs to travel less distance because you can shoot half way across the map at turrets and anyone in the area. As for his charge skill, not sure if there's a difference between knockback in level 1 and 2, but level 2 could use a bit more, seeing how it's an upgrade from level 1 and no longer has pushback at level 3 for the grapple.

    • -None
    • -Secondary weapon needs to do more damage to turrets, shoot slightly faster
      -Jet-engine Primary needs to do faster damage point blank
    Although the Tank already owns most classes up close, it seems to barely win against a Gunner. Tank being such short range should have the strongest weapon in the game, with the setback obviously is range. His secondary does fine damage against players, but against turrets, it's like a worthless if sometimes you're only option is to shoot far range instead of running in suicidal to use his Jet-engine.

    • -Secondary weapons needs to do less damage, increase ammo clip
      -Y Trap Skill should have lesser freeze time on enemies that run into an already set-off trap
    • -Y Trap Skill should slow down trapped enemies firerate by 50%
    His Uzi does good damage, even at medium range. Even though it's meant for his upclose encounters, his grapple + Uzi should be enough. There's also melee and his traps. Speaking of traps, once you get the freeze traps, if an enemy sets of the trap, other enemies that run into the trap should have less time frozen. Also for freezing, it should make trapped enemies shoot 50% slower because the only thing it really does, is just hold them in place. Good for sniping if you're far range, but up close, they can easily take out the Sniper.

    • -Shotgun needs to do somewhat lesser damage
      -Deployed Sentries need to shoot slower
      -B Airstrike Skill needs to do 50% less damage overall, 25% less when tagged
    • -None
    The Support is a support class and should main in hacking turrets and healing teammates and bots. He shouldn't be able to take out classes in one hit with his Airstrike, especially with it's range. He should be focused with healing teammates and boosting turrets and sentries, rather than being able to solo alone like other classes. His shotgun is a bit too powerful at pointblank range if it can take out a Gunner in two hits. Atleast three would be fine.

    • -Minigun needs fall off damage shooting targets further away
    • -Needs 25% more health
    It's a bit ridiculous how Gunners can shoot so far and wipe out classes or hurt them a lot. He needs fall off damage, meaning his shots do less damage the farther his bullets travel. This one match, I just sat above the middle of the map, taking out the enemy team for 5 minutes before got the smart idea of going Sniper. He also needs a bit more health, seems like he's the "big guy" of the game.

    • -Less melee damage when Juiced
    • -Any grapple from behind is a one hit kill, even if overhealed
    The Assassin should also get a one hit kill from behind, even if the enemy is overhealed. It's funny how many times I've seen people grapple Gunners and Tanks from behind, only to have them killed right away because they still lived. But a great thing about the Assassin, is being Juiced, you can wipe out turrets very easily. Strong melee + fast movements = taking out majority of turrets in the enemy base.

    Phew, I think that should cover it. I know a lot of people will disagree because most people just go "this is stupid" at topics like these unless the class is obvious underpowered or overpowered. But the game just came out and it just seems like something to get more adjusted too. I'd like other people's opinions on my list, rather than just posting a pointless post with no discussion.

    I have to say though, most of reason probably comes from playing many hours of Team Fortress 2.
    Last edited: August 14, 2010
  2. TheJustinIsALie

    TheJustinIsALie New Member

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    Grapple cooldown is fine, Already can only grapple a person once before someone dies.
    Annihilator cooldown is fine and price is fine, $500 no one would buy it because you can get dual miniguns for that price.

    Steel Peel was designed that way, It's like the only sniper friendly arena.
    Assault rifle is fine.
    Grenade Launcher is fine, It's already pretty weak.

    Not sure of charge pushback for Assault but it probably does need abit more pushback.
    Your kidding right? Tank is on the edge of being overpowered and your giving him buffs! Equip Fire rate x3 you silly man.
    SMG is fine. His SMG compensates for being usless at point blank with Tanks and Gunners.
    Traps slowdown enemies at lvl 1 and 2, Complete freezes at 3.
    Shotguns damage compensates for it's range.
    Firebase shoots slow unless its hacked.
    Airstrikes should instant kill, But lvl 3 range is a little ridiculous.
    No comment.
    It is an instant kill unless your over healed.
  3. Diablohead

    Diablohead New Member

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    Op's list sounds more like personal preferences then a nurf/buff list.
  4. tlbww

    tlbww New Member

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    This is terrible...
  5. nailhead04

    nailhead04 New Member

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    ^ agreed.
  6. hostileparadox

    hostileparadox Well-Known Member

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  7. xxxScorpion

    xxxScorpion New Member

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    I can't believe you want to make the jet engine stronger. That murders Assassins almost instantly.
  8. Acosta02

    Acosta02 New Member

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    And nobody ever played as a tank again. Theeeee eeennnnd.
  9. metalsnake27

    metalsnake27 New Member

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    Ive actually had a support who wasnt over heald and i back stabbed him... only took away half of his hp... wtf is that. Noone was healing him or anything.

    Also support needs a nerf now. Im tired of little support classes camping on our bridge in a cornor with there fire base tanking it, its almost impossible to destroy. Then once you destory it, hell come back and get buddies with him to get it back up.
  10. ImperiumAlpha

    ImperiumAlpha New Member

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    Most of the complaint i heard here is because you play like **** more than problem. I play with all classes and with all of them i was able to kill my opponent whaterver the class. Use your brain, it help a lot sometimes. ;)

    I play primary support and a good Tank players handle very well my turret or whatever ennemy with enought knowledge to not run on my big'z gunz...

    Its sure if you run with your spy in front of me and try to backstab near my turret... you'r in critical problem. Even without my turret, support class well played are not total waste and can do nasty damage don't forget that. Best way for a spy is to to ambush or wait when is target is distracted not run on it like i saw many times during matches.... :lol:
  11. Tigerfox 360

    Tigerfox 360 New Member

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    as a sniper.. if i grab with B, and then switch to my SMG, i cannot grab again with left trigger, i can still see the cool down radius filling around my crosshair, so i have NO idea what your saying about grapple skill characters getting two grapples.


    Likes Received:
    Wow, an immense list of terrible things.
  13. Hiero Glyph

    Hiero Glyph New Member

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    What he means is that you can grapple with your SMG and then grapple with your actual skill, aptly named Grapple. Likewise the Assault can grapple with the Launcher and then use their Charge/Grapple skill.
  14. EthanCrad

    EthanCrad New Member

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    I agree with his point about the gunner. Gunners minigun up close does the same or maybe more damage than the Tanks jet engine. Not only this but Gunners can shoot and easily kill players from a mile away and so if I am a Tank, I have to somehow creep up on him before he kills me and when I do I have to Spin, Charge and Jet blast him till he dies and then deploy to regen health. There needs to be other ways to kill the gunner instead of just having a sniper. In my opinion you are either an amazing sniper or you are a rubbish sniper, and there are way less amazing snipers than there are rubbish ones. Also, on steel peel Ive had a gunner stand on the bridge above our base and wipe us all out many times. (he had 42-3) And we had a sniper and a support and I was a tank. We got owned. I think the assassin is pretty much well balanced with the exception of support kills. For some reason a grapple on the support from behind can leave them with health, they can then so easily steal the assassins health to top up their own thus making the assassin have to get out of there with an assist at most. This is made harder to do with a firebase nearby and is then made even harder since support is usually camping with all the lazerblazers and rocket turrets. Dont get me wrong though, I have killed support players with a grapple with ease, but more often than not they are left with more life. Apart from these issues, I love the game! I loved the community till recently a bunch of MW2 hardcore gamers decided to stop taking part in the objective and just camp to get as many kills as possible.
  15. SuperEvilDOOM

    SuperEvilDOOM New Member

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    Miles away would be a bit of an overstatement, but the Gunner could use for a little less accuracy at a distance. Up close though I usually don't see Gunners take out Tanks unless they got the drop on a Tank, or are deployed.
  16. Someone9999

    Someone9999 New Member

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    So far I have been ably to do great with all the character except for the tank (I just fail at him).

    The supports airstrikes are not over powered because you know where they will land and can easily get out of the way. The only times a support gets a kill with it is when somebody does a bad play, or the support tactually uses it.

    Also his firebase can easily be taken out with an assassin. Just shoot him with the secondary weapon, clock, grabble, clock again at the beginning of the grapple. Then just smoke bomb and knife his firebase. The only class that currently needs a change is the tank. All that needs to be done is to give the jet engine more range.
  17. scyfed

    scyfed New Member

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    i agree with the assassin and gunner. the gunner desperately needs nerfing he simply has waaaaay too much damage. i was just playing support and looking after my rocket turrets, when a support/gunner came in and steamrolled my defense then deployed in front of our spawn and spawncamped us until his teamates destroyed our moneyball.
  18. Togedude

    Togedude New Member

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    The only thing I fully agree with is the Assassin buff. Since the behind-grapple is its only way to take out most classes, it needs to be a guaranteed one-hit kill, IMO.
  19. ALIENwolve

    ALIENwolve New Member

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    You didn't to mention how easy it is to lock onto somebody with the Support heal/hurt gun and just bunny hop around, doing constant damage with little difficulty while they have to spend much more effort just to keep your in their sights.
  20. Drama

    Drama New Member

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    I agree, this is all preference. The game is fine, except for the lag and parties not staying on the same team.

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