Hello there. I love this game, but in the current Galactic v. 66567 build, there are three things I can list right now that bother me a bit. When I select fabrication units, e.g. a single fabrication aircraft, with the click-and-drag selection box, it shows up the grid of things the unit can fabricate. When my click-and-drag ends in that building grid, I can no longer use the arrow keys on the keyboard to pan my view around. I have to deselect the unit before I can use the keyboard to pan the view around again. This seems to be a bug related to what has the focus. Factory assist in Supreme Commander was very good. You set an infinite queue for a factory and just set other factories to assist that one and they built stuff accordingly. That's so much better than queuing the same units every time a new factory was just brought online in battle. Holding down shift enables the queue mode, which is especially useful for placing multiple structures. A little annoyance for me is this: Often, I think "I want two of these" while I am just holding down the left mouse button to place and orient a structure. I then press shift, and my intuitive expectation is that the queue mode is enabled this late too, but unfortunately it is not. It would be good if it could be enabled as late as when still holding down your button to place your structure. This would be nice little improvement in the play flow. Regards, Shrinker