My issues keeping me away from this great game

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 Feedback and Issues' started by Obiwan Kenblomi, August 25, 2010.

  1. Obiwan Kenblomi

    Obiwan Kenblomi New Member

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    I've been on the forums for over an hour, just reading and looking for specific answers but haven't found them yet. So I figure I'll just ask -

    I stopped playing out of frustration because of 2 things:

    1) Video Lag and 2) the Leaderboards.

    First - I don't even know if "video lag" is the correct term. What I mean is - the screen gets to "busy" and it starts to get incredibly choppy. It's not internet lag I'm experiencing. It's lag from the game bogging down the console. I tried it on my brand new Xbox as well and it was the same. It's usually the worst right after the money ball drops and the game gets nuts.

    Second - I played with a group of guys who all were around the top 200. Our highest guy was 41 in kills. We had another who was 52 in earnings. Etc. Anyway, the hackers started in and we started dropping rapidly. I know, climbing up the leaderboards shouldn't be the only reason we play. And it's not. But I can't lie that the difference between me playing for a few games or playing for a few hours is the competitor in me trying to catch the guy ahead of me in earnings. I enjoy that and a lot of others do as well. It's just disheartening to have a goal of making, let's say "the top 50" and then it's unreachable because of hackers. We stopped playing because it it (or a few of us did). We'll come back if/when it's fixed. *crosses fingers*

    Overall a great game, well worth the money. I just wont be buying any "map packs" or "updates" or whatever they may be if the game is still broken in these areas.

    Hope this feedback helps.
  2. PhantomPhoton

    PhantomPhoton New Member

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    Leaderboards matter man, no matter what gaming elitists try to tell you. If they didn't matter, devs would stop including them.

    You play a game for fun and challenge. Leaderboards are popular because they are a fun way to measure your skill in the latter. Their very popularity, by definition, makes them part of the fun. :)
  3. scathis

    scathis Arbiter of Awesome Uber Alumni

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    Leaderboard hacking is not an easy thing to fix. There's a reason almost every leaderboard in every game is hacked and stays that way.

    That said... we are looking into possible solutions.
  4. Amaranth

    Amaranth New Member

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    I just can't imagine caring that much about leaderboards.
  5. Obiwan Kenblomi

    Obiwan Kenblomi New Member

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    Thanks for the response. I know it must be a major issue - not just with games but with Xbox live in general. It seems they have a major flaw somewhere in allowing companies to clear out their own leaderboards from obvious hackers.

    Take a look at MW2. Eesh... I had a buddy consisntantly ranked 400-500. After the hackers started in he droped to 175,000 or so. Think about that. There's about 174,500 hacked accounts clogging up the MW2 leaderboards. That's insane and pitiful at the same time.

    I don't blame Uber at all. That being said - it takes a away a portion of the fun for many of us. Whomever's problem it is the game company that finds a fix for it will be messiahs.

    I love the fact that your company is already setting a trend with the ability to fix and tweak things without the major pain of going through the Microsoft update process.

    Any ideas on anything I can do to fix my video lag? I played some today and it wasn't as bad. Is it because I'm playing too long and the processors in my Xbox are overheating a bit?
  6. mrfatpockets

    mrfatpockets New Member

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    Yeah that could be it... I have my xbox in an entertainment center and it used to heat up all the time, after about 2 hours of gaming it would start to chop. So I bought a usb fan and plugged it into one of the controller ports to blow the heat out the front.

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