My immediate sphere of influence pitched $1000+

Discussion in 'Planetary Annihilation General Discussion' started by coldboot, September 6, 2012.

  1. coldboot

    coldboot Active Member

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    I pitched $300, and I just convinced another friend to kick in for the beta and together with my pledge and people I've convinced directly, we're over $1000 total now.

    Have you called everyone you know and convinced them to get this game yet?
  2. quietrage

    quietrage New Member

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    Kudos! I've been saying the same in the comments on KS. SupCom series had 1.5Million+ units sold...there is a definitely a large market for these TA-inspired games.

    I understand that you can tell people about it, and they may not want to contribute...and thats fine, its up to them. But most people I've showed the KS video to had not even heard of PA would be a shame if the KS ended before many in the target market even heard about it yet...

    As I said in the comments...I've talked to quite a few people who sounded interested, but then never looked into it. It was when I showed them the KS video and the details that their excitement really went nova and they contributed. I would suggest showing the video in person if you think you know someone who would like it...
  3. ooshr32

    ooshr32 Active Member

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    I'm up to about $500 total.

    But it's gaming press coverage that will make the real difference.
    Hopefully they will pick-up this imminent 'big update' and run with it.
  4. zordon

    zordon Member

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  5. BulletMagnet

    BulletMagnet Post Master General

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    Word of mouth is pretty big.

    I remember I had a drunken conversation about PA on a wine tour. There was three of us, all giggling like school girls at all the crazy shenanigan we'll fire at each other and reminiscing on crazy shenanigans from TA and SupCom in years gone past.
  6. ooshr32

    ooshr32 Active Member

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    Take a closer look at the question, it is how people who already pledged chose pass the info. along, the Gamesutra analysis is flawed.
    All it shows is 80% of pledgers like to talk about the fact they pedged and that they used the only channels available to them.
    i.e. Most pledgers are not gaming journalists (no great surprise) or have 100,000 followers on Twitter/YouTube.

    You'd need a survey that asks: 'How did you first hear about the Kickstarter projects you backed?'
    In the main I think the results would show the gaming media and social influencers with big followings.
    Word of mouth can be very powerful but it tends to be very slow without input from the above people.
  7. Yourtime

    Yourtime Member

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    at first I thought this was a "how you did brag about the project you pledged" lol. well actually its true, I try to get more people too, through my work and family as well friends, maybe i get one or two more.

    ps I saw PA through discovering the game projects on Kickstarter, which i often do to find some little diamonds.. well this one was a big one :D
  8. paulvonhindenburg

    paulvonhindenburg New Member

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    Ha ha my school grade was very small (finished yesterday) 10 students that means over 30 percent already own the alpha ^^
  9. 1337haxwtg

    1337haxwtg Member

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    I convinced a friend to do the $90 pre-order. I did $200 myself. I'm hoping to get a few more people for release, but being out of school, I've lost a great deal of "friends" because people really start to show their true colors when they hit adulthood.

    The few friends I have left who are gamers aren't that into / aren't very good at RTS games. In fact, my $90 pre-order friend is awful, but still really fun to play with because it can be amusing. Especially fun playing Worms, which is a game designed for random slapstick.

    So, yeah, not able to contribute as much as I'd like, and not able to consistently play with people I'm comfortable with. Hopefully that will change when I try going to college.

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