my hearthelt frustration and complaints

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 General Discussion' started by smilingsaint, February 10, 2011.

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  1. smilingsaint

    smilingsaint New Member

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    this game was well recommended, so i am flat out amazed at how much it is not even remotely fun. or good.

    the game goes something like this.

    spawn. move forward a bit. die to some guy with juice. repeat i guess.

    the games all tend to end in overtime with some invincible juiced guy coming in and killing the money ball.

    is this one of those issues where the pc game is good and well supported but MS wont let you update the xbox version for free, similar to what happened with team fortress?

    more so than any other game i have played in years, this thing feels like it is punishing me for being so stupid as to play it.

    i am genuinely pissed off with myself that i have played this thing at all. i really dont know what game the people who recommended this to me were playing.

    anyways, i spent 15 bucks buying this game, so i feel entitled to provide at least minimal feedback.

    seriously, getting killed 5 to 15 seconds after you leave the little spawning thing all the time is unbelievably awful.

    is it a match making thing? are you incapable of matching pubs with pubs?
  2. SpcTorres

    SpcTorres New Member

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    I'm in again before the lock. But anyways, It seems like your talking about me. I'm always beasting and killing people and making them get an MNC account, just to rage about how I beasted them. Manslayertorres FTW!!!!!!!!!!
  3. Jraw20

    Jraw20 New Member

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    Sounds like someone needs to lrn2MNC.
  4. lDeadEye

    lDeadEye New Member

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    I think the main complain is lack of team balance. I run pubs with Dude, and often we'll join up in a game where there are 2-3 bots, and think to ourselves we're about to have fun. Only for the game to put all 5 bots on one team, with a bunch of level 20s on the other.
  5. TOM12121112

    TOM12121112 New Member

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  6. xknight2099

    xknight2099 Member

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    Why does it suprise me that people take the time to register on a game's forum just to complain about a game?
  7. JON10395

    JON10395 New Member

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    Maybe you need to party up with some friends or other experienced players to learn the ropes a bit. If you're willing to give it another shot, feel free to FR me and we'll play some matches. It's never fun being pubstomped as soon as you buy a game. I'm fairly confident you'll enjoy yourself once you play a few more matches.

    In other words:
  8. smilingsaint

    smilingsaint New Member

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    it may be that i did not state my position clearly. after i got the game and spent hours floundering about pointlessly i assumed it was a L2P issue. so i went to forums and read strategy guides. i watched some youtube videos. i spoke to other players online, who inevitably liked the game overall but had some serious complaints with the matchmaking. they could always tell me stories of how much fun they had with the game.

    further, while i am certainly not an expert player at MNC, i am above average (by far) at most action games. take that credential for what you think it is worth but understand it is not boasting. not the best there is, but much better than the average.

    playing the game felt like getting corpse camped and toyed with. or simply playing with people who had a cheat of some kind running. so i guess MNC players are so far beyond the abilities of players of other games that they are so good they seem like they are cheating.

    i dont expect a reply or attention of any kind. part of this is venting frustration certainly, but part of this is also a courtesy to uber entertainment. you have some game breaking (game destroying actually) issues. you already have my money so i suppose you should not care, and if my story is an aberration then you can safely ignore it.
  9. JON10395

    JON10395 New Member

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    I will say that Uber has been struggling to get the matchmaking just right in this game since release and has made great strides. However, there are still issues to be looked at.

    Unfortunately, it is very difficult to find a lobby that doesn't contain at least one party. If the matching system puts you on the opposing team, you are already at a disadvantage. The only fix I see for this is to make multiple playlists, one for parties and one for individuals.

    BTW, the offer stands. If you want to give MNC another shot, send me a FR. I'm not looking to "carry" you, I just know how frustrating it can be when you are trying to win a game seemingly by yourself.
  10. IPUR3 EVIL

    IPUR3 EVIL New Member

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    This game is fun when played with friends, when i play on my own i feel like beating somebody up due to teammates that seem to go out of their way to help the enemy team win. The matchmaking isnt great but it has greatly improved since release.

    If you dont like the game at all then its probably not for you, when i first came on i loved all the classes/skills/weapons/maps/gametype. The best thing you can do is post your gt and play with some forum people so you have the space to enjoy the game for what it is, and not just get pub stomped.

    Hope your experience with the game improves.
  11. StriderHoang

    StriderHoang New Member

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  12. krunkthuzad

    krunkthuzad New Member

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    You mean you're not as good on your first day as people who have been playing daily for months? Mind blown.
  13. MootPinks

    MootPinks New Member

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    The lobby is horrible and MNC is without doubt losing players like the OP every day because of it.

    Playing with friends isn't really a solution either, because that just means you're on the other side of things, stomping a team, half of whom will rage quit.

    Good, balanced, lag-free games are so rare that I can go an entire evening and not play one. These issues would all but disappear if the lobby balanced teams properly and gave us a chance to choose a low ping host.

    I LOVE MNC and have come to accept that as a mainly solo player I will have to put up with a lot of frustrating matches. But it's got to the stage where I often now can't be bothered playing, or will play something else. If I was a new player I think I'd be saying exactly the same things as the OP.
  14. Ian

    Ian New Member

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    OP is saying what many of us think.

    At the moment, the game is very unbalanced. If a strong team pushes into your base, it's DAMN hard to push them back out, and they can just sit on your spawn ring, toying with you until the bots kill the ball. There's a lot more juice whores, too.

    Like MootPinks, I find myself going to other games now. It's coming to the stage now that if you're not playing with a party, you're not going to have fun. Stomp or be stomped. I haven't had a balanced match in about 2 months.
  15. IPUR3 EVIL

    IPUR3 EVIL New Member

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    Well said.
  16. Ian

    Ian New Member

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    I think the main problem is Juice. In a spawn-camp situation, IDEALLY Juice would be used to push the enemy team back out. With the juice dispenser locations so far away from your spawn, juice becomes a tool that just drives your team further into the ground

    I sent Scathis some quick ideas about balancing this, but he hasn't replied, so I don't know if he didn't read it, thought it was stupid, or if they even realize how unbalanced Juice is right now :?
  17. Z Bear

    Z Bear New Member

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    Hmm. That makes me think. Maybe they could put a juice machine in the spawn that is instant juice, it activates as soon as you buy it. Still on a cooldown so it couldn't be abused.

    Well, I'm sure someone would find a way to abuse it, but at the moment I can't.
  18. IPUR3 EVIL

    IPUR3 EVIL New Member

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    Thats actually a really good idea, i would rather just have them in spawn rather than in the middle. The only thing is that if a team has been pushed back into spawn they may have spent all their cash on turrets in a last attempt at holding the enemy back, maybe half price juice that only lasts 5 seconds when activated.
  19. MLGIntervention

    MLGIntervention Active Member

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  20. IPUR3 EVIL

    IPUR3 EVIL New Member

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