Since this is my first ever post on these forums, I would like to just say: "Hello". :? Anyway, earlier today I had my first complete match, as you can see by the title no doubt, and it was the most fun I've had in a long time! It was chaotic, fun, and my opponents were quite friendly. The game started up and I noticed, there were no trees, I had never seen any beforehand, but I was suddenly surprised to find the planet was void of vegetation. I chose, what I thought, was a prime spot in a sandy, desert-like area. Last game I first started making land vehicles, only to have them float away and self destruct, so I decided to go with air units this time. I built my base up to reach the second tech level of air when my base was completely decimated by artillery from the south, and tanks from the north. Like the Brave Sir Robin, I beat a hasty retreat to the east and rebuilt my base... On a canyon, no less. In the waning hours of daylight it was left to me and a rather friendly fellow by the name of Jubez, as I was about to flee again, my camera was stuck in "close-swervy-view" and I suicided, ending the match with him the victor. Good things: Many units readily available, Wonderfully artistic biomes, Impressive scale, And you can place metal extractors wherever you want! (Even though it makes no sense.) Not so good things: Only one type of unit that utilizes lasers, Advanced bots are mostly artillery units, Placing wall sections one section at a time, Units floating into space/ falling into canyons, When ordering large amounts of units around, some go off to a different location and stop moving, No ability to choose your teams colors (besides in the match itself), No "alien" environments, yet (Gas giants, volcanic, lunar,etc.), And finally: my games time goes out of sync, at one point I was apparently 30 behind the rest of the universe, a minute later I was apparently traveling 20 seconds faster than normal space time. I can honestly see this being a game I play non-stop, but the bugs kind of urk me into chatting too much. I can't wait to see more units, features, and planets, keep up the good work!