My Big Wishlist

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat PC Wishlist' started by gaddeath, December 30, 2010.

  1. gaddeath

    gaddeath New Member

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    I have not purchased the game, and I'm glad I did, I was very close to buying the XBLA version until I saw the game spotlight on Steam showing Monday Night Combat, and I was both, confused and excited! Seeing the trailed fueled my fire for my excitement and it seemed like they got all of the basics every PC multiplayer game must have like dedicated servers, better graphics, smoother gameplay/controls etc.

    This is what I would like to see (long-ish list):

    Local Splitscreen - Very few PC games have done it (Kane & Lynch, Left 4 Dead, Blur that I know of) and I would really like it if this game had support for splitscreen. Either have one mouse/keyboard and one Xbox 360 controller, or have two Xbox 360 controllers, that would work out great. Taking this one step further, maybe we could go online or LAN with this, which brings me to my next point...

    LAN Multiplayer - I'm one of the few people that love LAN gaming because I feel like I have a closer connection (both literally and network wise) with the other player, or in this case, some of my siblings. I really hate having to the rely on the internet that's always not 100% available just to play with someone that's literally in the next room.

    Lobbies/Matchmaking - Okay this is one is more like a question rather than a request, will the PC version still have Lobbies and Matchmaking? Sometimes I don't like having to go through countless servers through a server browser to find a room that's okay for me (something without too many server rules, mods etc). I like being able to find a match right away and get in on the action, make the lobbies/matchmaking more like Left 4 Dead or Alien Swarm that found matches, showed lobbies, or allowed you to open the server browser.

    AI/Bot Opponents - Sometimes I like to relax and just kick back and play against bots, or I could use it to warm up before I go online. Many games that include multiplayer games miss this and it's sad because I can't practice against someone bots, and if the game's dead, then there goes multiplayer (not saying MNC will die soon or die at all).

    Customizable Controls - Allow me to remap every key if I wanted to, please don't force us into using one keyboard preset! You'd be very surprised the amount of games that don't let you change the control keys.

    Full and Detailed Graphic Options - Well this one might be a bit of a personal pet peeves I have with some PC games that don't have detailed graphic options for me to change other than Texture, Model, and Effect details. I know this is an Unreal Engine 3 game, and UT3 had A LOT of different options and described them and what they did. Also, one thing I don't like about most UE3 games, is the lack of anti-aliasing options, I HATE going through AMD Catalyst to force anti-aliasing (I know NVIDIA automatically changes 3D settings to a specified preset when a certain application or executable has been launched) and then having to turn it off when I'm done.

    "Spit-Shine Graphics" - A mixture of questions and requests. What does that phrase "mean" (I know literally), will we get better graphics because of texture filtering and anti-aliasing only? Or will the PC version get graphic upgrades like Just Cause 2, DiRT 2, or Metro 2033? I would like to see the PC version get DX10 or 11 support; tessalate the crowd similar to DiRT 2, tessalate the character models, soft particles, post processing, higher resolution shadows, higher resolution (or even bump-mapped, normal-mapped, parallax occlusion mapped etc) textures and the like.

    Mod Support - I'm no modder, but I'm very eager to see what people could come up with if they were given mod tools!

    Developer Console - This doesn't really need that much of an explanation other than allowing many many different codes to tweak the game's settings.

    PC Friendly UI - I hate crappy console ports that don't even change the UI to where it's only suitable for a controller and makes it tedious and annoying with a mouse (Borderlands, Far Cry 2).

    Thank you Uber Entertainment for making such a great game and thank you for making a PC port, another thank you to those who may have actually read through this long list and feel free to comment or CONSTRUCTIVELY CRITICIZE my list!

    Edit: After reading through the forums for a bit, it seems that SOME of the features have already been included :p

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