Hi! I'm posting here as a last hope to get any help for my problem. I've already emailed support@uber, who after a few days opened a support ticket. This was 22 days ago, i have had 0 actual contact with anyone from uber since then and i've even tried following up to the ticket with no success, not even a confirmation it's being worked on. I'm a kickstarter backer for PA and registered my account on my general throwaway email address, which is not the same one i use for KS. I then tried to change it and it seemed successful but something seems to have broken. What's happening right now is my account only works on the store page, if i try to login to the forums it just pops up a black box with yellow text that says i've been successfully logged in and that's it. And no it doesn't actually log me in, i tried it in every way imaginable, different browser, cleared cookies, cache, even different machines altogether. The problem account has the same name as this one, without the 42 on the end. So please, if someone at uber actually reads the forums maybe you could at least tell me my problem is being worked on or if i need to do something?