Just a thought. This idea takes its starting point from requests I have read about from other members for kill cams. At the end of the match one kill cam is shown. This is a kill made by the MVP of the winning team. The kill that is selected is the last kill that the MVP of the winning team made made for which he afterwards completed a taunt. The benefits of the idea are two-fold. 1) The person who made the kill gets to show off and indulge their ego. 2) Only good players are likely to have their kill cam shown in the match. Only players on the team that looks like it is going to win will expect that they have any chance of getting the kill cam. Therefore after making a "good" kill that they would like to show off, decent players on the winning team will be reluctant to taunt again. They will therefore earn less money as a result of their desire to show off. Their ego will therefore increase the underdog team's chances of winning. I gather from other threads that there may be some computational practicality challenges associated with this suggestion, but I thought it was sufficiently interesting to warrant mention. - Bez
I would love a kill cam, better than staring at the scoreboard I have been watching for the entire length of the match for 30 seconds :|
so long as it's not displayed as if you were sitll playing. Maybe if they have the time in the end of game sequence, one kill from every member of the winning team. BACK would still bring up the scoreboard.