Multiple star systems in a game. How can it work?

Discussion in 'Planetary Annihilation General Discussion' started by szkeptik, October 28, 2012.

  1. szkeptik

    szkeptik New Member

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    Hi everyone.

    Are multiple solar system maps planned in the game and if yes how will transportation beween them be solved? Will there be somekind of warp mechanic?

    I think if we get multiple solar system maps a wormhole mechanic would be best. The entrance would have to be occupied to be used, that means building a special building in orbit around it that would allow your troops to pass through, or something similar. If there is a second solar system the player who controls the wormhole to it would have free reign over the resources of the other system.
  2. igncom1

    igncom1 Post Master General

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    Well systems are separate maps, and in true TA/SC style only your commander will go form system to system, most likely via a form of FTL rocket that takes the resources of an entire system to power up.

    So no form of system to system army mobilization, it will require guile and cunning to assault a fortified system.
  3. Alcheon

    Alcheon Member

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    i look forward to seeing how uber will implement a system to manage multiple systems, there are many questions to go with it.
    how will resources work across multiple systems?,will my other systems contribute to the economy?
    what is the point of having multiple systems if im the only person in them?
    can i maintain production in 1 system and funnel units to another?

    so many questions...
    it'll be interesting to see how it all comes out
  4. garatgh

    garatgh Active Member

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    Were have you read that? As far as i know no such details has been revealed.
  5. adecoy95

    adecoy95 Member

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    i was under the impression that other than the campaign, its all done IN system, im guessing the solar system will just have more bodies.
  6. garatgh

    garatgh Active Member

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    40 player games in one system? xD Silly (Well maybe not impossible, but unlikely). I assume the bigger games will have the galaxy war map (and that its some sort of risk board). But as far as i know details hasent been released to confirm or deny how it will work.
  7. BulletMagnet

    BulletMagnet Post Master General

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    To the best of my knowledge, there has been a total of zero posts/blogs/updates concerning spreading the fight between solar systems in real time.

    And those 40 player games? Yep, they're in one system. Picture a dozen planets, each with a few commanders.
  8. elexis

    elexis Member

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    There has been nothing to indicate multiple star systems. And I don't see the problem with a system holding 40+ players. We have no idea of the scale of the planets or of the systems.

    Look at our solar system- 8(9) planets, 166(167) moons, comets, thousands if not millions of asteroids and other planetoids. There is plenty of room there for 40 people, especially since with that many it definitely wont be a slog fest, people will be dying on a regular basis.
  9. garatgh

    garatgh Active Member

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    The galaxy war map thats gonna double as a single player campaign does confirm games with multiple systems, if its going to be used in those 40+ games (or multiplayer in general) or not is unconfirmed.

    We have some idea of planet and system sizes judging by the concept trailer, offcourse it might change aloot and look totaly different when the game is finished, but the concept trailer is what they are/were aiming for.

    And then look at the typical game solarsystem, 3-5 planets, 2-3 moons, maybe hundreds of astroids.

    I dont think its impossible that they will have 40 players in one system, but i still doubt it.

    I advice you all to not get your hopes up until we have further information (Since hyping a game up with unrealistic expectations is the number one reason to be disappointed for games you have been waiting for).

    The way they speaks of the 40+ games can easily be envisioned as normal games but a meta game (for example a galaxy map) ontop of it thats used by 40+, and not 40+ in the same solar system at the same time.

    p.s Im not saying that i dont want 40+ games in the same solar system, it would be freaking epic. Im just warning you not to get your hopes up, the small bits of information we have received might be describing a very different 40+ game from the ones you have envisioned.
  10. igncom1

    igncom1 Post Master General

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    The rest is speculation, however the part about each system being a different map is true.

    The only thing that goes between systems is the commander.
  11. garatgh

    garatgh Active Member

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    Once again, were did you read that? I need a link.
  12. igncom1

    igncom1 Post Master General

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    I am currently unable to find such a link, But I do believe another member will know where it is.

    And further more, it wouldn't make scene to try and run the entire galaxy considering that units won't be going between systems.
  13. thetrophysystem

    thetrophysystem Post Master General

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    I don't see a problem with multiple either, but they would have to be a realistic game-distance from one another. Then, they would function as one playable area, just with multiple planets and orbits.

    Nothing wrong, the game technically could work with any number of stars and orbiting planets and asteroids. It could also just as easily work with one single planet theoretically. Theoretically, you could just make a giant single planet for players to play on. It could be made big enough.

    It would just work as one playable travelable area technically, as long as it was in the game. Traveling between seperate playable areas, playable areas that don't exist in the same game, would obviously be different. Multiple star systems in the same playable area is totally doable.
  14. bobucles

    bobucles Post Master General

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    Ye olde TA lore states that teleporting Commanders are the fastest way to wage war across the galaxy.

    That doesn't mean space travel is impossible. Rather, the problem with traditional warp travel was that it was TOO SLOW. In the time it took to travel through traditional space, a Commander could have gated in, waged nuclear war, burned the entire system to ashes, and moved on to the next objective. This could absolutely be realized in-game, by making gate travel nigh-instantaneous and making standard travel take minutes or more, PER system.

    The only point of space ships would be to exploit less important objectives like small moons or asteroids. Too distant to capture, too small to waste gating your Commander, but too valuable to ignore. The high cost would leave you completely exposed to land battle and likely end in a quick death. Perhaps the only time a star fleet would make sense is to assault a nearby fortified system, something too dangerous for a Commander to attempt alone. For that reason alone, there needs to be a way to move large numbers of units between systems.
  15. sokolek

    sokolek Member

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    See spore.
  16. igncom1

    igncom1 Post Master General

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    There are no spaceships in PA like in spore, and it stands to reason that FTL speed prevents the transportation of army's.
  17. garatgh

    garatgh Active Member

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    Wut? How does that "stands to reason"? If you can travel faster the light you would just need a bigger ship to transport a army or more of a smaller type...
  18. igncom1

    igncom1 Post Master General

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    Because if there is a way to send anything larger then the commander to another system, then whats the point?

    Why not just send krogaths to enemy systems? Or nukes? Of asteroids? lets just play an elaborate game of M.A.D and never build actual units.

    No the reason is because the ability to actually move army's like that would remove the entire point of the game, no need to take mass and build bases when you can just funnel troops from your home world to other systems.
  19. garatgh

    garatgh Active Member

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    Becuse of cost?

    Sending a army would obviously be way more expensive then sending the commander alone, so unless your way way way richer then the other side (your enemies) you will most likely just send the commander and maybe a small force... The same could be said for a astroid, sending a ship with some units into ftl is one thing, sending a huge freaking rock is another. You should also increase the cost the farther away you try to send something.

    You could easily make up some science fiction reason to prevent nukes (Maybe ftl makes certain compunds unstable so that it blows up or become useless? I have no idea how the futures nukes works but someone most likely could come up with something).

    Everything is decided becuse of cost ya know, for example (a irl example): they say that USA have the tech needed for orbital drop troops atm, but the cost of getting them into space to begin with makes it not worth it.
  20. igncom1

    igncom1 Post Master General

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    In the end my argument comes down to the point of, it would destroy the purpose.

    This genre of RTS focus on the use of FTL von newman probes to create an army at the destination.

    The idea of moving an army along too would destroy the purpose and is unfathomable to me as to why people would want that.

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