I bought this game on Steam, but I switched over to the newest Uber launcher. But with every patch, the launchtime of PA seemed to increase. With that I mean the total time of launching PA + the whole "checking manifest". It takes several minutes to check this "manifest". At first this wasn't that bad, since once you do launch, you're fine for the remainder of time you play. But then came the "failed to retrieve game list bug", so afther every game I had to quit and restart the game, check manifest again and ... Also, whenever I crash or drop, it takes a long time for me to get back in due to these factors, I don't mind the drops and crashes, it's just the waiting that bothers me. The failed to retrieve game list bug was annoying, but recently an even worse bug appeared. afther a game, when I review it, I can't get out. I press ESC and then quit/return to main, but if I press 'yes' or 'cancel' nothing happens, it clicks and lights up, but does nothing. I'll end up forcing PA to close 1 way or the other to get out of that. Then restart and do the checking manifest all over. Tired of all that **** I started looking for a solution. I came to make a shortcutt to the actual PA.exe and launch that instead of the launcher. Now at least I don't have to check the manifest anymore in the PA launcher. I still have all the other previous mentionned problems. And 1 extra problem as a result of not using the launcher. My name that is displayed is my uberent account username instead of the display name I added to my uberent account. I'm sorry for my rant. I've enjoyed playing this game for many hours. But lately the bugs stack in a way so that playing this game requires a lot of effort. And afther all, I play to relax and don't want to work for my fun. (I've also had some lag spikes, but that might just be symptoms of my laptop starting to die slowly)