Multiple Monitor Resolutions / Field of View

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat PC Feedback and Issues' started by noderunner, February 7, 2011.

  1. noderunner

    noderunner New Member

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    I'm trying to get the game to display correctly on my ATI Eyefinity set up. I'm using three 27" monitors at 1920x1200 each, for a total display resolution of 5760x1200.

    I'm able to set the resolution correctly in my HostileEngine.ini file. While the resolution is correct, the Field of View (FOV) is not. I thought I'd be able to find some FOV or aspect ratio settings in the HostileEngine.ini file, but I haven't been able to find a setting to modify the FOV in any of the *.ini files. Maybe I'm overlooking it or it would it be possible to make that setting configurable in a future update?

    It would also be nice if we could modify the 2D HUD dimensions as well, so that the HUD only displays on the center screen and isn't stretched across all three screens.

  2. Zero

    Zero New Member

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    This might be one of those games that consider having a massive field of vision a game breaking advantage over others.

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