Multiple crashes when a start a multiplayer game

Discussion in 'Support!' started by Keradon, October 27, 2014.

  1. Keradon

    Keradon New Member

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    I encounter multiple crashes when I start a game in multiplayer whatever if i'm the host or not.
    I've tried it with smaller planetary system and it does not get better.
    Sometimes Windows says that PA.exe is using to much memory... i've got 8Go of RAM and it's just used at 70% when i'm playing PA (less than 6Go used).
    Some other time it crashes with the error message bellow.

    "Planetary Annihilation: PA.exe - application error. The exception unknown software exception (0xe06d7363) occured in the application at location 0xfd4d7b8c."

    "PA.exe has stop working, check for solutions online..."

    And some other great understandable messages... Let me know if you need them for the diagnosis.
    (most of them are in french :-/).

    Sometime when it finnaly works... I just can't click anywhere in the middle of a game...
    Delog/Relog will make the game crash again.

    I've seen on other topics that you recommended to run DwDiag before posting a thread.

    All I could find as help was saying to update the graphic driver.
    My graphic driver is up to date, i've just completely uninstall it today to be sure it was up to date...
    I'm playing the game in "Medium" settings to be sure it works fine... I can run it much higher...

    Hardware :
    NVIDIA GeForce GTX 560 Ti
    8Go RAM
    More infos in the DxDiag attached.

    The game was working fine until an update in July. So now i don't know what else to do...

    I'm looking forward for your suggestions and solutions.


    Attached Files:

  2. cdrkf

    cdrkf Post Master General

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    There is a known bug with certain types of recorder software and such. Do you use anything like that? Also I've heard of issues with software for controllers.

    Your DX-Diag looks ok, if you run from Uber launcher, you may want to try it with the '--nomods' flag (open the launcher, log in and on the final screen go to settings top right, add that into the 'command line options' for the version you want to play (i.e. Stable or PTE). Then run the game. Even if you don't currently use any mods, it is possible for there to be a problem with previous mods getting loaded and breaking things, this ensures the game doesn't look for them.
  3. SXX

    SXX Post Master General

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    I see you have SSD and your page file size looks really weird. Any chance you modified it's size or disabled it?

    Anyway what you can actually try it's go to Windows settings and set page file / virtual memory initial size to 12GB on your HDD. You can leave it's disabled on SSD, but on HDD it's have to be fairly big. Also make sure there is no extremely small page files (less than 1GB) activate on any disks because it's might cause issues too.

  4. Keradon

    Keradon New Member

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    I didn't install any mod on it.

    But i must say that that SXX's solution seems to have solved the issue. I tried it and played a game without any crashes or Windows notifications...
    I just set my page file on my HDD - where PA was installed - to 12GB (it was already disabled on the SSD) and it seem to have work. I'll play more game to see if it has definitvely solved it.

    And I must say thank you for the tip because this would have been the latest thing I would have done.

    Good day sir !

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