I remember the glorious days of Bungie's Myth and Myth 2. In Myth's multiplayer, each competing team had a captain who was able to assign and retract control of units to/from other team members in order to delegate strategic tasks. Considering the vast scale of PA maps and the scale of 40-player battles, I image this captain/delegation functionality could give PA multiplayer a real kick. Imagine if you could defer control of units to another player to take care of offence or defence or mining? I, for one, would really like some of this functionality in PA. It's great seeing the game move forward! Keep up the great work!
Hey! Cheers for pointing that out! But if every team player can control any given unit, won't that lead to a bit of chaos?
That's why you only really play it with friends, or someone you can communicate well with. (Through skype, teamspeak, etc...)
Until uber adds in voice chat in-game you really can only do it with friends, there have been many suggestions already though (like having different highlights for each person when selecting units)
I would like to see an expansion of team functionality between players in *non shared armys* and this could be an extension of that. Things that we really need to make non shared a more interesting format: - The ability to gift units to your team mates - The ability to manually transfer resources (I know excess is already shared) - The ability to link to each others teleporters - Allied pings shared between the team.
When you are talking about non-shared armies, are you referring to two separate teams and sharing options between them or are you talking about a single team and control within that team?
The current 'alliance mode' (i.e. single team but not sharing units). I think your idea would add an additional layer of control above that, however at the moment these things aren't possible if your not sharing which I think needs looking at.