Multiplayer Spawns May Be A Tad Off

Discussion in 'Balance Discussions' started by Geers, July 10, 2014.

  1. Geers

    Geers Post Master General

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    Two-planet system. One moon each. 2v2v2.

    Me and my best bud spawn on one planet, turns out we're alone. Our moon, an untouched sanctuary of grey rock. Meaning all the other players spawned together. This doesn't seem like it's supposed to happen. Because we ended up with this:


    Try invading THAT AAAHAHAHAHAHA.

    I'd link a replay but I don't know if I even can.
    pieman2906 and gtf50 like this.
  2. pieman2906

    pieman2906 Well-Known Member

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    Said moon can do all the invading you'd ever need.
  3. thetrophysystem

    thetrophysystem Post Master General

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    It is not so much a glitch as it is "unintuitive player usage".

    Basically, 2 planet spawns can be VERY discreet. An 8 person FFA can start with a planet and moon, and people spawn without EVER knowing the moon is "spawnable". The host obviously knows and uses that spawn. That pretty much secures the game.

    Game should maybe mention number of spawnable planets in lobby, zoom out to system view when multi planet spawns exist, or always start zoomed out failing a check for that. If people know multiplanet spawns, they won't spawn on the first planet they see. Even then, random probability shows more will spawn on one than the other.
  4. zweistein000

    zweistein000 Post Master General

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    On this front I have found out that it is very good to select a main planet round which everything should revolve and increase the amount of metal on that one while reducing the amount of metal on other planets. 50-75 works on the primary and 1-5 works on any secondary. That way you still have a choice of spawning on a remote sanctuary, but you will be leaving behind valuable eco and this will encourage players to spawn on the main planet. Additional if only 1 or 2 people spawn on the secondary planet the impact on the game still isn't that severe because the entire secondary planet will only have as much mex as 1 player would on the main planet. 9 tomes out of 10 players will rather spawn in the planet with more mex than the safest planet.

    Also another good thing to do (if oyu are planning on making multiple planets where not everyone is a starting planet) if that you first place down a non-starting planet, because when the game starts everyones view is on the first planet you placed even if it is not a starting one.
    mot9001 likes this.

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