I imagine someone has had this issue and solved it, but I couldnt find it. I havent really played much sense release. The game INSISTS on resetting the mouse sensitivity to default value of "Faster then greased lightning if your mouse doesnt blow chunks". It will reset on every map change forceing me to change it (Prefered sensitivity anywhere between absolute lowest setting or first notch marker). This requirement to readjust sensitivity at the start of every map greatly impedes my ability to "come out the gate swingin' " as I spend those precious first seconds in the settings menu rather then disemboweling our team's opposition. All other custom controls and settings seem to perform normaly and are SEVERELY customized (wasd=okl with no problems. P.S. I might as well report that I somehow recieved an impossable amount of funds somehow. I dont know how as I was not the one playing at the time, but I recieved enough to unlock all the classes again earlier then I should have. No real unbalanceing benifit but it might be benifitial to know that there is some sort of bug in there somewhere.
I figure I'll bump this thread because I, too, am getting this problem. Slightly differently though: I set my sensitivity to whatever I want and press Ok. My mouse sensitivity does not change and when I check back at the menu the change did not go through. I can change other setting in the menu though. OP, were you able to fix your own mouse sensitivity issue? Or does anyone have a fix for these problems? Thank you
You can always try to edit the sensitivity with configs, in MNC it can be edited from HostileInput.ini which is located Documents\My Games\UnrealEngine3\HostileGame\Config Just edit the MouseSensitivity and try to manage to find a good sensitivity to use, it may be harder than in-game but still...