Most kills in shortest game time?

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 General Discussion' started by Im Hudson, October 2, 2010.

  1. Im Hudson

    Im Hudson New Member

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    Played today, with Bolt, Miss Informed, and Greg on my team on LaseRazor.

    Went 18-0 as a tank. Total game time: 2:30. I had Charge, Product, and Passive all at level 3 in the first 1:45 of the game. It helps having 2/3 supports on your team, and four REALLY bad assassins on their team. I got a non juiced triple spray with a single jet gun clip (no blossom), which should never EVER happen, especially when one of them is a tank.

    Note: I'm not attempting to brag here, most of my kills were because of how poor the other team chose classes and played. It was very humorous though, as was most of the rest of the day: (IE: We tried a game where we were only allowed to build bots/turrets/hazards, and only pushed with the jackbot)

    Which leads me to this thread: What is the most kills you have gotten in a game in the shortest amount of time? (record does not matter, deaths are allowed, feel free to approximate time, this is not a competition.)
  2. DeadStretch

    DeadStretch Post Master General

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    Kills? I don't know because I don't really focus on killing but Assists are another thing. I should mention my main class is Assault and with that class I do run Pro control but my k/d is never great. I seem to accumulate tons of assists for some reason.

    I'd say about 20-30 assists in roughly 3 minutes. It was when I was playing Tank and I seems to be everywhere on certain maps. LaseRazor is my favorite map in Crossfire and the middle conjunction see a lot of traffic and me as a Tank.

    Off-Topic I happen to get into a room last night with Bolt, and I will assume his party, and my team was dropping like flies. At one point I was second highest money earned with only 1 kill and like 9 deaths but by the end of the match I was kinda down on the list.
  3. Cheesecakecrush

    Cheesecakecrush New Member

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    I didn't do this, but there was a glitcher-assassin that managed to get 23 in the first three minutes of a match.

    They still lost, once I figured out he was glitching and switched to tank so he couldn't lunge/grapple me for a near instant kill. It was insane how high his kill count was and how quickly.

    And yeah, I have a similar story about a team that went all-assassin and netted me a ton of quick kills, and a quick game-over for them too. Just not as many kills for me, 14 with 5 assists after a 2.5 minute match.
  4. BoltAktion

    BoltAktion New Member

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    I remember spotting you in a match the other night, I was like "Hey its DS from the forums!"
    And everybody in my party was all "nawww that isn't him"
  5. Enigma5081

    Enigma5081 New Member

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    I played a match that lasted about 10 minutes but in 3 minutes i got almost 30 kills as an assault (don't even ask me to repeat this or try again i was playing against the worst team) basically they had 2 snipers no gold armor and 4 gunners. I had bacon and basically would get a 4 kill multikill or 5 juice and repeat. Yes i know it was cheap i was sick and felt like being a **** lol. But i have also seen a sniper get 53 kills in about 10 minutes on steel peel.

    Ps mine was on ammo mule
  6. mintycrys

    mintycrys New Member

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    23 kills in the first four minutes as a sniper. Got killed a couple of seconds into the fifth minute because I placed myself for a cinematic taunt during the moneyball explosion scene, and my team didn't quite kill it before my taunt was interrupted (although seeing my corpse in front of a downed moneyball was humorous).

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