Randomdude and I were playing on Spunky, and after 5 minutes the Jackbots came out as normal. Being an Assassin, I rushed over to the enemy's bot spawn and disposed of the Jackbot. I ran back to our Jackbot only to find that it had already been destroyed as well. As I ran back to the enemy team's side, I see another Jackbot coming out of the spawn. I checked my bot spawn, and nothing. Mind you this was not in Overtime. This was about 5 minutes into the game. I witnessed the same occurrence on Ammo Mule, except this time the extra Jackbot was from my team.
Oh yeah, I remember that. Good times. Srsly screwed me over. A complete WTF?!?! moment if there ever was one in this game. Two Jackbots, each giving candy, in under two minutes. Blame that one on lag uber :twisted: Still, if we're talking along the lines of multiple Jackbots, I'd like to see that as a regular thing.