Noticed a server today with a 2 per class limit, BRILLIANT. you NEVER need more than 2 of any one thing, so sick of teams that don't understand class diversity. and its almost ALWAYS cause of people trying to play assassin, and dont know HOW. I played an HOUR match the other day just to see what it'd be like, and i was enjoying myself until our team refused to have a support in the middle of what essentially became a "we've been at this so long who can keep every node with a 3.3 rockit turret now" match. We lost because of that, and in part because we had people joining/switching to assassin. we had FOUR...FOUR FingGD assassins, and this DESPITE the fact i was leading the whole match for my team as one the WHOLE time. My golden rule, if you have THREE of have a VERY large chance of having your *** handed to you by the other team. More than that, then YOU DEFINATLEY just lost. I seriously wish servers didn't HAVE to impose this, but I HOPE they start to. Honestly ppl, if you join a game or see that your team is over-massing a single class type, buck the fudge up and DO something different than it! If theres two assassins on a team think to yourself "wow, thats already probably 1 more than is a good idea, but it could still work....but I HAD BETTER NOT go sin' as well! Lets see what this teams lacking" /end rant
The only classes you see negative returns on with multiples are snipers and (dumb) assassins because they don't put on as much visible pressure as the other 4 can. Also: If your team cannot end a game after an hour, then well...
Yeah you can't play that class that you enjoy playing cause its all about winning so you must play the class your best with. *Sigh*
You have to conform to the demands of others, of course. Why didn't you know this!? I have lost close games because of the multiple assassin gimp, but oh well.
Yeah, my 10 says I want to have fun whilst your 50 says know your role and so on .. I understand that BUT in a pub game I want to play for fun, if having fun = losing .. That's fine with me. Obviously in a competitive game I would do whatever it takes to win .. But pub isn't exactly competitive.
some good times last night... Team Bacon all joined one server and we went all assassin one game, and all support one game. It was hilarious. The team was probably pissed off cause they couldnt leave spawn. Perhaps next time we will do an all sniper team? :lol:
Well, that's different than a bunch of random people all being assassins. Coordination beats anything.
Yeah! And err .. Things like Teamspeak are a pain in the backside instead off communicating with the full team, not just your "Elite little bundle"
Yea, you go ahead and coordinate lvl 10 and a lvl 0 player. **** that. :| Besides, no one ever talks in-game, so there is no reason to communicate to the team if they don't communicate back.
Press Y. And I must be the only guy that replies .. Seriously gets a bit annoying when playing on your own most the time. :|