More Nerfs = Less Fun

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 Feedback and Issues' started by GUINEAPIGMONSTR, June 26, 2011.

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    Honestly people will b*tch about anything and its becoming very annoying. Ive seen the patches that made their way to the pc and the game is simply is just not fun or well not as fun as it was. Why should the few competitive gamers get their way?

    Dont get me wrong but it seems that competitive MNC and public MNC are two different games and nerfing every character to balance them will reduce the fun of the game. I mean every character is completely different with completely different abilities and weapons and they are balanced against each other well enough.

    Every patch will just create new balancing issues until we end up with every character having the exact same health and damage to keep the game competitive! Oh and no jumping because apparently its too hard to grapple somebody that can move around, but f*ck it that wont be a problem as grapples will probably be removed too. You know to keep things competitive because its a bit of a pain to be ringed out by them and a bit frustrating especially if you are juiced but dont worry to make sure the game stays competitive the juice will cost 10gazzilian dollars with the cost multiplying itself per use. To make sure the is no unfair juicing bots will no longer provide juice and you will receive 0.0000000001% juice if you hit a very specific pixel on an enemy pro that will change every time randomly you know, to keep things competitive.

    And apparently the supports shotgun is now overpowered -so what the h*ll lets kick him while hes down nerf that too! You know what lets take it away altogether and make him f*cking poke his enemies to death just to keep everything balanced! And apparently people are getting confused about his abilities and nobody seems to use the airstrikes very much since we put the recharge timer up to an hour so what the hell why not take it away altogether not like anyone would notice as they are having fun being competitive trying to poke each other to death!

    And getting kills from turrets? No, no, no, there is no skill involved so why not load them up with f*cking crayons to promote skills. Also what about the tank? Apparently being slower then snail sh*t still isnt balanced enough! Some people make a very strong argument that the tank has too many offensive capabilities you know apparently being an inch away from the tank shouldnt cause death so you know what lets get rid of the guns and turn him into a walking egg, s*crew it why not just permanently deploy him and wait for something to hatch yno to keep things... can you guess?
    But that still leaves the problem with the character models being different sizes and the guns being able shot. But we want to keep things balance so f*ck it just get rid of everything... Running around using different strategies and having fun for hours and hours must have gotten old by now. So from now on you will just start off with a black screen and who ever pushes the (a) button the fastest wins to make sure the game is balanced.

    Ok enough, with this all Im saying is dont fix what isnt broken. Its an awesome game and the best value for money no, scratch that one of the best games I have ever played and one of the most original I have ever played. The only improvement this game needs is more maps and I dont mean free ones Im hoping for a map pack costing about 400-600ms points containing another 4+maps. Or why not make 20 maps, bumps up the graphics and sell it on a disk as a retail game then use the money from that to hire more staff make more great games and then take over the world and build a real life replica of MNC. Id go to that and I would make sure to bring my sniper rifle from home.

    As for the current game all that needs to be done is the support returned to its former glory and the assault fixed, because the way I see it every character has a counter... assault does not and as much fun as Im having with him I think its a little too easy to get kills and a little too hard to die. He needs a weakness and currently there isnt one. While on the topic of the assault he is way too good at killing the money ball and firebases with his AR. That it, the assassin is fine and I must say in the right state of mind can be a very deadly tool, you just got to prioritise and not focus on just killing. But from what I see 95% of the assassins are in the OMGZ ITZ A NINJA CHICK state of mind and quickly find themselves staring at the respawn screen. But as long as she isnt made any weaker it should be fine, gunner is just about right, tank is alright more or less. Im not a 100% about the sniper I mean as far the ice traps go I dont really care I recon if you are stupid enough to get caught in one you deserve to die, you know what dont reduce the time instead increase it! The only problem I can think of is that the explosive rounds explode when they go through teammates although it can be used as a strategy for saving you grappled teammate and even a jackbot. Bottom line the only changes that need to be made are the assault and the support. So stop complaining and just enjoy the game
  2. DeadStretch

    DeadStretch Post Master General

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    If you inter-change the word "competitive" with "public" I think this would make all that much more sense. The "competitive" players are the ones who are able to adapt to the changes, whatever they may be.
  3. TOM12121112

    TOM12121112 New Member

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    for the record, assault is perfectly balanced in any kind of competitive match, so...


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    not if you know how to use it...


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    I like the twist. All Im saying everything has a counter or at least should, weakening the counter will result another imbalance. That said I dont think Uber will make any stupid decisions and as long as you can have fun with each class Im happy.

    As for the assault he has no counter with the assault rifle being more then capable to tear down even the strongest of targets including armour tanks and gunners (so long as you arent stupid enough to get caught in front of it, which isnt a problem as you have nice mobility, a jetpack and a charge that moves you around the map in an instant and if it wasnt enough you can cover your escape with a very handy bomb) now with some basic planning and the ability to hit a target for 5 feet away the assault is unstoppable unless comes under combined fire (which should almost never happen). Not to mention his miraculous ability to shred firebases and the money ball with his rifle.
    Now maybe Im missing something but as far as I can see the only counter to an assault is his own stupidity or another assault. THIS does not mean make the assault useless it just means he needs some tiny tweaks, possibly to the amount of damage he can output.
  6. DeadStretch

    DeadStretch Post Master General

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    Lmao lolwut?
  7. Im Hudson

    Im Hudson New Member

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    Everyone quit whining and stop asking for nerfs, they ruin the game.

    Oh, but while you are at it, please make the following changes.


    The support (via huge indirect turret buff) and assault (skill and armor nerfs) were both changed for the better on the PC, and would be fine in transitioning to console.
  8. TOM12121112

    TOM12121112 New Member

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    Dear mods,

    As much as i know it is against the rules to use the "post" forum meme, and doing so is bannable offense, I really think said forum meme is incredibly necessary in this particular application. I would like to ask that i may use said meme in this thread without having to worry about getting banned. I feel it is necessary because the OP is ignorant to anyone's opinion aside from his own, which is not the point of starting a thread on a discussion forum. Please respond as soon as possible.

    Tom Numbers.


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    Hypocritical and proud ;)

    All im saying the changes were not for the better, to say the least.

    I tried not to favour support too much as it would make me look like a purely support class that just wants to overpower every other class. Thats not the case I play every class equally and found that that support is... well he may as well be a paperweight. I find as any other class once you master the play style you can end up top of the leader board 90% of the time as long as you maintain that play style.

    I mean before I didnt think it was easy to be an assassin and turns out its just about prioritising targets by positives vs threat, so as long as you keep your head and dont get shoot and turn off your cloak to avoid being heard you can easily get kills all the while controlling the enemy bots. And the same goes to the other classes with the right strategy you can hold your own against any class, with any class.

    Well that is excluding the support. You get nothing, you cant make money therefore cannot build turrets, your firebase it relatively useful but doesnt last long as any pro has the means to take it out relatively painlessly and will likely only get killed if they unknowingly retreated near it while on low health. Your abilities recharge time is ridiculous; I mean they could have taken the airstrikes out altogether seeing as you dont even have the means to invest into skills without sacrificing your base defences. And thats another thing; being the class most reliant on money you have no means to make it! You cant get kills often as your only real weapon is the shotgun that stops being effective after about 3 feet and is only useful for ambushing players and bad assassins. You dont have the means to kill bots except for your trusty firebase (which wont last long if there is one competent player on the other team) and you are easily killed whether it be an assault or a small breeze. You are also forced to use the exact same setup RoF/Arm/Skill if you want a slight chance for survival.

    Ok so what improvements can I think of? Well seeing as you are a support class you should get most your money from assists. And how would that work? Well if an over-healed player gets a kill you get an assist if a turret you hacked (that was not yours to begin with) gets a kill you get an assist, surely thats reasonable? Or something along those lines you know being rewarded for supporting. As far as the shotgun goes I think it could use an increase of damage against bots. Heal gun is OK but I think that no more than 2 heal guns should have an effect on a single target at the same time. Airstrikes should have a much lower cool down so you dont have to be scared to use them (not enough to spam them of course). Hacking enemy turrets be returned to the way they used to be but keeping it a level 2 ability because right now I cant even manage to get the laser blazer while juiced. Health/Mobility is fine. Firebase Im not sure possibly decrease its range but make it harder to take down but its fine to keep it the same. With these changes it would be worth playing as the support. Because of the way he is now you are better off picking another class.
  10. TOM12121112

    TOM12121112 New Member

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    i pulled a 52-7 in a pub the other day, with no juice uses whatsoever.

    i beg to differ.


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    Ever hear of freedom of speech? And as far as my ignorance goes I play spend the last day reading these forms and certain posts are ludicrous Im sorry for trying to make a point in form of a parody while also trying to address some issues. Also I do not favour any class and (in my opinion) play reasonably well with each of them which means Im not likely to be bias but I suppose I cant judge that.

    Thank you very much for taking the time to post a comment.


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    Congratulations, I wish I could be as skilful as you. Truly, with such score I think you should consider starting a clan and even going MLG. But while I try to grasp the idea of such an amazing score may I direct you towards a popular phrase pics or it didn't happen not that I dont trust everything I hear on the internet. Thank you for the comment you are truly a gem in the gaming community.
  13. TOM12121112

    TOM12121112 New Member

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    Ha ha ha! Oh gosh that's funny! That's really funny! Do you write your own material? Do you? Because that is so fresh. You know, I've, I've never seen anyone make that joke before. Hmm. You're the first. I've never seen anyone putting up a dummy link before. Because that's what he does in his song? Isn't it? Never going to give you up. And, and yet you've taken that and used it out of context to insult me in this everyday situation. God what a clever, smart boy you must be, to come up with a joke like that all by yourself. That's so fresh too. Any, any Titanic jokes you want to throw at me too as long as we're hitting these phenomena at the height of their popularity. God you're so funny!

    Although in all fairness the fact that you had a clan did actually make me laugh. And now thats over is it too much to ask, for you to stay on topic?
  15. TOM12121112

    TOM12121112 New Member

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    lol you got rickrolled. probably twice.

    now that that is out of the way, back on topic.

    when an assault kills a gunner, that means the assault was just a better player than the gunner. an assault and gunner of equal skill meet in a secluded area, no outside interference, the ONLY way the assault would ever win that is by a lucky headcrab.


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    I dont think so I mean, I used to think it was skill but then I realised it doesnt take much skill to see a gunner from a mile away and dance around him confusing him with random jet packing and jumping. But thats not the point I wanted to make, the point is that he has no counters; every character in the game has a counter (Tank>Assassin, Sniper> Gunner...) but not him and thats what annoys me. I there is anything I have overlooked, please enlighten me.
  17. JON10395

    JON10395 New Member

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    Family Guy isn't funny. Just thought I'd throw that out there. :|


    Likes Received:
    You're wrong.
  19. JON10395

    JON10395 New Member

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    Half wrong.

    I'll try again though. Family Guy isn't funny anymore.
  20. DeadStretch

    DeadStretch Post Master General

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