Right now I have hotkeys for selecting all combat units of type land/air/naval which are idle everywhere/idle on screen/on screen/everywhere. For fabbers I have select all idle. And that's it. Please can I get the same idle everywhere/idle on screen/on screen/everywhere controls for fabbers? It's so very easy to lose track of fabbers. I could also really do with a "select half of the selection" key. Would be big help in shared army games where you spend a lot of time selecting units (particularly air) through hotkeys, because you're not always aware of where they are on the map.
My latest batch of games has only reinforced my desire for a better way to find my fabbers. As the cloud of units gets denser it gets harder and harder to pick out the fabber icon, yet as the game goes on and my priorities change I want to reassign what they're working on. But so long as they're working on something I can't find them because all I have is idle fabbers. And I still want half my selection for things like bringing aircraft from off-screen without taking my entire cap. Right now I need to sort of pick some, then zoom in, then CTRL-Z and see if the number looks about right. It's kinda clumsy. Selection is a nice to have though, but the lack of fabber hotkeys is genuinely annoying and makes the late game much more of a bear than it needs to be. Also, as the game gets more multi-planetary and I'm dragged kicking and screaming off my single planet systems I realise... no orbital unit hotkeys. Why?
Not to promote my own thread about hotkeys needing some love but here is my own thread about hotkeys needing some love https://forums.uberent.com/threads/selection-hotkey-love-and-polish.62279/ which didn't really get any attention sadface