More annoying to play against, Assassin or Sniper?

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 General Discussion' started by Bambam Bm, August 18, 2010.

  1. Bambam Bm

    Bambam Bm New Member

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    Heres my poll. Which is more annoying for you to play against in a match, a Sniper or an Assassin. (Keep in mind pretend both are good players).
  2. Rolo

    Rolo New Member

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    A good assassin really burns me up sometimes, the only annoying thing being on a team who doesn't know how to deal with them.

    The sniper, not so much, if I'm getting headshotted from across the map, was a good shot by him.
  3. DCtheEE

    DCtheEE New Member

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    Definitely sniper. If you get a good sniper that's using traps, it's a little hard to counter, especially with an Assassin.
  4. ChrisMikeRack

    ChrisMikeRack New Member

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    Sniper easily. Assasin has to actualy brave the battlefield to come get you. Snipers hide.
  5. Diablohead

    Diablohead New Member

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    Eh depends how you play, I like pushing to the front lines as a sniper and using his flak on turrets, works well.
  6. citizen

    citizen New Member

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    assassin definitely.. No skill involved... just get a free kill every so often... half the time they are modding/exploiting...

    Snipers have to actually aim to hit you, and can be shot back while doing so... they don't just have a nooby little i win button with a 30 second cool down as if you were playing everquest or some crap
  7. Bambam Bm

    Bambam Bm New Member

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    actually if you noticed nearly every assassin goes negative for their K/D spread in matches, very few often do you see an assassin that goes positive, if it took no skill, then every assassin would go positive. I play as a gunner and an assassin and sadly i have to say, every class has ways to easily get rid of an assassin, now every class does not exactly have ways to get rid of a sniper. Assassins are very easy to kill. Especially the ones that are noobs who play them.
  8. FiercelyFuzzy

    FiercelyFuzzy New Member

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    By far the Sniper. Given a good sniper takes a fair amount of skill, but I mean the ones from afar that just spam explosive shots that do about half my health as a fully upgraded tank. As for Assassins, LOLOLOLROFL. They always try to back-stab a Tank. Doesn't work like that.
  9. Arcell

    Arcell New Member

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    While Snipers do actually have to aim, at optimal range for the rifle most other classes won't be a threat to them except for maybe Tank with their railgun or an Assassin who's good with their shurikens. Assaults and Gunners would be the next down the list but their accuracy is just not high enough to consistently do enough damage to a Sniper before he gets that headshot in.

    Assassins rarely annoy me as there really aren't many good ones I've ever seen. Even the good ones often mess up and I catch them trying to sneak up on me.

    Sniper is easily more annoying IMO.
  10. TrMako

    TrMako New Member

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    Yeah, I think I agree with most people.

    A good sniper is more annoying than a good assassin. Could be biased because I've yet to come across many assassins that can do much more than 1 for 1. Yeah, it can be annoying to be randomly grappled from behind and killed every once in awhile, but it rarely really impacts the outcome of the game.

    A good sniper can limit entire areas of the map and take control of a lane better IMO.
  11. PrivateJohn

    PrivateJohn New Member

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    I am mainly support player, so ya Sniper is annoying.
  12. OptiMAT

    OptiMAT New Member

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    Playing Assault neither really pose 'more' of a threat to me. I find it fairly easy to take out snipers at range with the Launcher and Assassins that I spot are mince meat for the Assault Rifle even if they Grapple me (from the front obviously).

    Therefore, based purely on annoyance: Assassin.

    For the first few days I would rage about idiots inventing a game where you go invisible ( :oops: ) but after a bit of play time and experience that blew over. What really gets me about Assassins (and this includes team mates) is that really they're a bit too lone wolf to be effective, they never seem to bother with the objective and their sole goal is to camp in a corner, invisible, grappling you from behind as you walk past.

  13. mute

    mute New Member

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    Sniper. Someone that's good at it anyway, and who knows how to properly use the traps. I got my rear handed to me last night by a sniper.. couldnt get to him no matter what and ended up paying way too much attention to him.

    It actually seems a bit unfair from time to time that the Sniper can drop more than one trap at a time..

    If a great sniper is online, just hope you either picked a sniper or tank. Approaching a Sniper that knows what he/she is doing is almost a worthless move.

    Gunners would kick their *** is their flight lasted just a second longer.. at its current setup its impossible to straight jump over a freeze trap. If you could -slam-. etc. game over.
  14. Funky Jammer

    Funky Jammer New Member

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  15. PrivateJohn

    PrivateJohn New Member

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    Assault can fly. Assassin can't stab you when you are flying.
  16. Doom

    Doom New Member

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    Snipers that make it their sole purpose of the match to outsnipe the other team's snipers are the single most annoying things in the game for me, but they're pretty easy to avoid.

    Since I play Sniper a lot though Assassins are the only consistently annoying part of the game (Other than a decent Support on a small map). Thankfully like 97% of assassin's are mind numbingly retarded and try to get snipers from the front, or else I'd probably go crazy by now [​IMG]
  17. OptiMAT

    OptiMAT New Member

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    That's true. Doesn't mean you dont get grappled ever though. Assassins are still more annoying than Snipers.
  18. FalseKing

    FalseKing New Member

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    If I had to pick, I'd say Assassin.

    It's a pain in the *** when you encounter a good one, and yeah some may think it's a cheap one-hit-kill class but not everyone knows how to approach/strike/flee properly, most Assassins wind up dead the minute they attack someone.. And, hey, if I get grappled by one it means I wasn't paying enough attention so.

    Snipers I have no quarrel with, in a fast paced game such as this, if you net a headshot against me, you deserve it.
  19. Baaay

    Baaay New Member

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    Sniper 100% when they can kill you and you base defensive's all the way from the safety of there base

    i make it my mission to hunt down and kill snipers ever match just cas i hate them

    assassin there easy 90% of them are noobs that play them but there r some good 1s never had a problem killing them
  20. Kalioc216

    Kalioc216 New Member

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    Sniper =__= especially the ones with good aim, becuz then it just becomes impossible to move much. And they have such good skills :c trap +flak = rape

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