Moon Shoot Moon?

Discussion in 'Support!' started by darkfarmer, September 30, 2013.

  1. darkfarmer

    darkfarmer New Member

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    We tried to annihilate a moon yesterday with another moon (it made sense, the last enemy com was on a moon and not on the main planet) and the moon just started orbiting the planet super fast but never actually ended up hitting the other moon.

    Expected behavior: Annihilating another moon causes that moon to annihilate the moon.
    Actual behavior: The moon with the Haleys just rockets around the planet really fast and never actually hits.

    Our game also degraded heavily, the UI locked out and we had to keep reconnecting to regain control and all of the buildings were not coming through; not sure if this had anything to do with out haleys but it started doing that shortly after the Haley bug.
  2. commodorenarwhal

    commodorenarwhal Member

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    I have found Haley-shot moons tend to miss/speed up like this in anything other than a typical shot - that being a moon being dropped into the planet it was orbiting. All we can do is hold out for a fix :/

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