moon and sun display battles on them, units and buildings

Discussion in 'Support!' started by Fistpunch89, June 12, 2013.

  1. Fistpunch89

    Fistpunch89 New Member

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    I was playing a match and decided to play with the space interface by pressing the comma and period button to look at the overall picture of the planets and zoom back and forth and switch between the moon, planet and sun. I noticed that buildings were projected above the moon and a battle was going on. all this same stuff was on the planet where we were actually playing and the sun portrayed that my entire base was on it as well. I have attached pictures of this below.

    I know that this is not high priority at the moment just wanted to have it on here and pointed out for future reference. I have also put this in the PA TRACKER.

    Attached Files:

  2. Causeless

    Causeless Member

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    Re: moon and sun display battles on them, units and building

    Not really so much a bug as of an unimplemented feature.

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