moneyball health healing with time

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 Wishlist' started by Domon, July 31, 2011.

  1. Domon

    Domon New Member

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    it works like this:

    divide the moneyball health into progressive segments (like this:


    maybe more, maybe less)

    every time the moneyball shields are restored, the moneyball health is healed back to the full energy of the current segment. after the regular time, the team with more segments on his moneyball health bar is the winner. in case of a draw, overtime starts. the fun thing is that the number of segments left can be treated like the score in a football match, and so you could talk of "that game you won at the last second for 4-5" or something like that.

    why segments? because no team deserves to win because his team scored 100001 damage on the moneyball vs the opponent's 100000 damage, and i think it would work well with the new overtime rules

    why progressive? i just feel like it should be progressively harder to "score a goal". also, it allows easier (but not undeserved) comebacks, as increasing your score becomes harder and harder the higher your score is.

    so, what do you think of this?

    and please refrain to post comments like "it's not gonna work because it's gonna be implemented badly". let's just hope this would be implemented in the best possible way, or at least in a good way.
  2. timmy TED

    timmy TED New Member

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    did we get updated? runs to xbox
  3. Drag0nmstah

    Drag0nmstah New Member

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    The regeneration system would not work from your view point because if the last portion is reached then that last portion is very large to be a final hit and the first portion makes it seem as though nothing has happened. Consider this though, if a system was made to donate money to the ball, this could be a better way of healing the moneyball. Keep in mind though that this will not create an opportunity to donate all your money and overheal the ball. That would be overt and would not allow for a fair victory. The donation vendor would be at the front glass of the bottom of the base and could only be used when the ball is up so you cannot simply stand there as the ball is being destroyed and donate money. All money taken from the ball is an equivalent to what is needed to replenish the ball.

    This is a concept so bare with me on this there are plenty of flaws but please do feel free to leave a comment for this thought and the segmentation idea would work if it was broken up a little better and a little more evenly.
  4. DeadStretch

    DeadStretch Post Master General

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    The key is to not let bots breach in the first place. The weakest things in the game shouldn't be so hard to stop.

    The Moneyball is fine as is right now, 360 version, the real problem is how long the ball stays down and how easy it is to keep it down. As it is now the ball stays down for 30 seconds if no other damage is done and 1 bullet will keep it down for another 30 seconds.

    LIVE 3RUPI New Member

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    The objective of the game is to keep your ball up and the enemys down. I like it fine, a defensive tank can keep bots out easy and an assassin can push bots, it would be nice if supports actually hacked turrets to help keep bots out if nobody is defending the base but thats randoms for ya.
  6. Light My Pyre

    Light My Pyre New Member

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    If Uber ever do this then pub Assaults can easily get 100 kills per game.
    They will not attack the ball even if it's down, waiting for it to recover and juice chain.
    I no want dis happen.
  7. jaysofacton

    jaysofacton Active Member

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    err...yes they do or am I missing something
  8. Domon

    Domon New Member

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    and what about moneyball shields going back up when a segment is emptied? in that case all segments could be the same lenght or starting longer and becoming shorter. that way the new rule would help not losing in a single, superfast assault.
  9. WildmanX2k

    WildmanX2k New Member

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    Then almost every single game will run into overtime.
  10. Domon

    Domon New Member

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    i'm not really sure. just the games in which the moneyball damage from both teams is ROUGHLY the same, instead of EXACTLY the same. the point is, with current 360 rules toom many games run into overtime. with current PC rules almost only games with no moneyball damage on both side run into overtime. i wanted some kind of rules that would make overtime more likely tha pc rules, but not too much.
  11. Undercover_Thudercat

    Undercover_Thudercat New Member

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    You argument is the same as saying "That football team doesn't deserve to win just because they had only 1 more point than the other team."

    Sorry if you've lost some close ones, but yes, if you lose, you lose.

    Best bet is to just not let your moneyball drop in the first place.
  12. Domon

    Domon New Member

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    do you know soccer? it's more the same as saying: team x does not deserve to win just because they hit the pole less times. you have to score a goal (drop a segment) to win.

    damaging the moneyball would assume a different meaning, you will have to concentrate on dropping segments instead of all of it in a single rush or just a sliver and then turtling.

    "if you change something it will not be the same" was already tanken into consideration. i'm more interested in HOW it will not be the same, thanks :)
    Last edited: August 1, 2011
  13. Undercover_Thudercat

    Undercover_Thudercat New Member

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    No, Domon, that's not even close to how it is. Against good people, it is VERY HARD to drop their moneyball, and it takes serious teamwork to accomplish that. At a competitive level, if your moneyball drops once, you lose. In a public game that's not the case, but it still usually means you're going to lose in overtime.

    You just HAVE to watch bots some. It's part of the game.
  14. Drag0nmstah

    Drag0nmstah New Member

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    Most don't even attack the ball anyway. Unless they're losing they continue to player-kill.

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