You know, some mods work but are really taxing or make the probability of lag and or crashes go up. I've been trying a step by step test of each mod to figure out which ones do and which ones don't but I rarely have time to run PA or anything anymore as I have partials right now and a big partials week is coming up in two weeks. Could you guys help me out classify these mods into the two categories ? : this could in the end allow us to enhance the PAMM experience even further by providing small extra information relating to mods' stability and responsibility for lag. I'm persuaded many of you have experienced as well as I have that certain mods are very taxing while certain others do not effect gameplay at all. when PA is crashing repeatedly, this can make a world of difference.
Oh good, I was about to panic that Advanced Planet Details wasn't updating properly. And to the thread topic, I strongly doubt that APD, Favorite Commander, Lobby Renamer, ProfilePic+, System Sharing or the Twitch controls in Main Menu mod affect in-game performance in any way, since they aren't in-game. Christmas Trees, Custom Skybox, Spaced-out Defense Towers, and Team-Build Color just replace existing assets with functionally identical versions, so I'd doubt they have any effect on performance either.
Obviously something like Tracking Pips will affect performance. I doubt many ters will make a significant impact on performance as long as you use ko deferred.
If they do cause crashes, then it's most likely a bug in PA, not the mods. What makes you say they definitely cause crashes? They haven't caused any crashes for me - is there a particular way to reproduce this?
my games consistently crashes after very short intervals when I use them, and consistently doesn't crash over the whole length of 1h long games when I don't. at certain times the response time to the server will seem to get bizarrely high, at that point attempting to issue orders will cause a crash. this odd response time issue doesn't occur with no icon mods. don't ask me if icons are related, in my opinion, they shouldn't be in the name of sane logic, that's what I've been experimenting with and I guarantee you can reproduce it.
Run coherent and look at the network traffic. Maybe it's erroneously downloading original icons trying to replace what it thinks is faulty data. Other mods shadow things but icon mods shadow a lot, it's about the only thing I can think of and worth ruling out.