I was looking at what it would take to make a campaign. Given the lack of tooling that exists I don't fancy the approach taken in the tutorial where maps and units are loaded via unit specs (there's reason almost nothing is pre-placed). I'm not sure this would load server mods either. The easiest route looked to me to be save games tied together with JS. That way you can use sandbox to create your scenario, and the plan was to edit the save after to change things like AI personality and disable sandbox. The issue I've run into is editing the PAR in a text editor and changing sandbox from true to false, then saving and putting back in the gzip seems to break the save. Connections to server fail, where as they worked before the edit. Anyone got any experience of the save format and know what I'm missing?
Tangentially related - are you going to be taking a stab at making some slightly more tolerable lore for this campaign of yours?
Sadly no. First thing to test would be can you unzip/rezip without changing anything. If that fails the only thing I can suggest is to try different zip programs to see if perhaps they are using a limited version that is either missing features or has bugs.
Whilst I undoubtedly deserve that... I still don't get the reference...? Edit... MLP... M..L..P.. oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooh!