1. tentaculartoaster

    tentaculartoaster New Member

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    Here are some things that I'd love PA's modding environment to include:

    - User-made single-player campaigns. Just give us a good way of scripting missions and chaining them together with some briefings, and users can make loads of nice TA-style campaigns.

    - Multiplayer client that auto-downloads mods for players that miss them. Just look at the various Spring RTS Engine lobby servers and their nice features.

    - Related to the above: Give maximum support to community balance patches, make using them as easy as playing vanilla. Most of us just want cool toys to blow up, but competitive players love their balance, and the best way to achieve that is probably by letting several community-made balance mods compete.

    - Players are gonna want to install ALL THE (good) MODS. A good infrastructure to detect conflicts between mods and merge files if possible is pretty essential. See for instance the amazing Wrye Bash tool from the Oblivion modding community... it makes managing 300 mods possible.

    - My dream mod hosting site would index the content of mods people upload, so that when I think of downloading a mod, it would automatically compare it with those I have installed and tell me of any conflict before I even press Download.

    - Transport boats were cool in TA but missing from SupCom. Transport subs would be great for surprise attacks too. And why not transports inside mega-transports... you get the idea.

    - Planet-sized units. Can I has my own Death Star? Yes please thank you. (This is a perfect example of something that might be hard to make work for the base game, but modders will go crazy with it.)

    - Give us as much source code as you can. Civ IV is one of the games with the best, most ambitious mods out there (Fall from Heaven comes to mind), and that's because they gave fans the C++ source of their gameplay DLL.

    Feel free to add your own ideas to this thread. Some experience with modding and/or modding communities is preferred, as it'll prevent you from making stupid suggestions ;) .
  2. ghargoil

    ghargoil New Member

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