MNLD or Monday Night Leagues of DotA is an up and coming pub team. We currently have three main players and are looking for some good team players. Primarily we are looking for assault, support, or tank but other good players will be accepted. If you are interested message xPEx Noscope (me), Fubu4443, or STiCKxSTiCKLY. Thanks!
You're not the guy who chose one of the 4 Assassins on Steel Peel last night and repeatedly tried to face grapple me as a tank were you? Name sounds familiar... Rev, you were there. If so, I'm in. I play Assassin...
You may have melee'd a lot of people but I can promise you that I would have remembered. Your name does not sound familiar either and if you had melee'd me I would have remembered your name also. But you do have a very impressive number of humiliations haha