On quite a few forums i use userbars, currently i made one myself on http://www.gamercardcreator.com You can select a background picture and add in gamerscore, recently played games and whatnot. It does big ones too but atm i'm just looking for a cool userbar to use (and stealth-promote MNC ) on some other forums. Borderlands is awesome end all but i'm due for something new. If anyone has any good ones laying around, let me know! EDIT: Well this the only thing i managed to come up with, tried multiple images but the pixel limit sucks.
Here's one I made earlier EDIT: Looks like I'll need to strengthen the border. I wouldn't use it until I've fixed that. Looks naff.
Maybe it is. I took it from the 8bit logo, but after resizing there could have been a bit of noise making the pixel be a brighter orange than it's supposed to be. That or the white diagonal lines make it appear brighter than it is. *shrug*