MNC too boring?

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat PC Discussion' started by RaTcHeT302, June 26, 2011.

  1. RaTcHeT302

    RaTcHeT302 Guest

    I mean almost 1000 players stopped playing, wich is kind of sad to be honest. Might be because MNC is too boring? is it way too much competitive kind game? the cheap and annoying classes? (Sniper that can easily camp and easily kill everybody even without even being actualy good at it or the Assassin, back grapples are silly or grapples in general, you can't escape from them, at least if you pushed a certain random button that could've made you escape, let's say that it would damage the enemy grappler by 10%) Mickey Cantor too annoying? (every 2 minutes I hear him talking, seriously, make him talk rarely, I was really happy when I turned his voice off from the options).

    Come on, we can't even change our team?! I want to play with my friends but if I can't even join from the lobby I will it never be able to play with them, stop saying that it may stack teams, you can stack teams in the lobby anyway, votekick these players? I don't know, people should learn to play anyway, when I got my *** kicked I didn't stopped playing, I tried to become better, I don't understand people that just give up because they are bad.

    When I played back at Team Fortress 2 on my PS3 even tough it had only 5 maps it still was great fun, but it had it's issues too, but not like MNC does. Having 12 vs 12 players games was really awesome, even if we didn't had achievements, weapons, stuff like that but that's my opinion.

    I don't know, I got bored of it too, there is no reason to keep playing, it's no fun.

    TL;DR : Too unbalanced, cheap tactics, annoying, should need bigger maps for more players, boring, missing features, fun in the first 100 hours (or 10 minutes), after it looses his charm.
  2. Im Hudson

    Im Hudson New Member

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    Too Unbalanced:

    I'd like to hear what exactly is unbalanced, other than snipers. Snipers can one hit kill at any distance on the map with proper aim, but are absolutely terrible in terms of breaking any sort of over-healed or higher level turret, and are worthless against the moneyball unless they are spamming flak 3 on it to keep it down. His k/d may be huge, but he is not a very good solo carry.

    Cheap tactics, annoying

    The assassin's grapple is the ONLY thing she has to reliably slay other players, and is virtually useless against more experienced players due to the audio cues, jumping, counter grapples, etc. Assassins that constantly blow grapples on you is free money you are missing out on.

    What games DOESEN'T have annoying tactics? We usually classify annoying tactics as "something I don't know how to counter," because once you learn to counter them somewhat reliably it becomes less annoying. What else is really annoying in MNC? Maybe we could help you.

    should need bigger maps for more players

    I don't understand why people make this claim for almost every game. The game is currently balanced around the ideal scenario of 1 of each class per team. Most newer players can't keep track of the SIX players on the other team. There is no reason to increase the player limit when the community shows almost NO communication with small teams. Why change this at all?

    Larger maps and more players = slower game. Its not a death match. I would however be in favor of a map with 3 lanes (but still keep 6 players per team).


    This one is purely a matter of personal opinion and I can't really tell you why the game is not boring. (I do disagree however)
  3. sunnydove

    sunnydove Member

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    No to everything you said except Sniper is pretty powerful but, as Hudson said, he is horrible at solo carrying in a pub. He reduces the amount of fun I have but I take solace in the fact that he doesn't usually win games single-handedly.

    I think people leaving is just a reality of shooters that aren't as easy-mode as Call of Duty or Halo. Players will think MNC is "too annoying" or say something like, "everyone just uses cheap tactics like bombs/assassinations/insert-anything-else-in-the-game-here. What "too annoying" actually means is they either can't be troubled to learn the game or they're just too dense.
  4. TOM12121112

    TOM12121112 New Member

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    i doubt the pc version varies that much from console, but i have spent almost all of my time gaming on console MNC since launch.
  5. Robbert

    Robbert New Member

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    Mnc is fun when you can play it well (good enough to have the feeling that you contribute to the team). Otherwise it can be pretty annoying as in any other shooter.
  6. Col_Jessep

    Col_Jessep Moderator Alumni

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    And you can't just screw around. I have been playing without regard to my k/d ratio just for the lulz recently but that doesn't work at all. You have to constantly watch out and play seriously. I think MNC would benefit greatly from a gamemode where you have to attack a base that is defended by bots where you can just blow stuff up. Basically inverted Blitz. Something where new players can learn how the skills work, how to down turrets, learn to detect Assassins...

    And the vets could just have some fun blowing up stuff. Something relaxing. When I come home from work I'm usually tired and just want to have a good time. Sometimes a competitive match is great but sometimes I would just like to hold down the trigger and charge the enemy base Leroy Jenkins style.
  7. zodiark1234

    zodiark1234 New Member

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    Yeah, I took this game because it wasn't easy mode.
  8. THAC0

    THAC0 New Member

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    Personal opinion, but I believe it's the learning curve that turns people off. I see people on my friends list that have maybe an hour or two invested in the game (pre-sale) and they've never played it again.

    This game is not easy. It does not play like other FPS. My wife and I played a ton of TF2, but haven't played it since discovering MNC. I find MNC to be far more gratifying and it rewards skill the way few other games do.

    That's also part of the problem. If there is a team that gets ahead, it can be difficult to catch up. Several of the mechanics work to reward players that are doing well, while there aren't many mechanics that work to bolster players that are doing poorly.

    Consider a game like Mario Kart. If you're in first place, you get really lame item pickups. If you're in last place, you get blue shells, bullet bills, etc. Anything you could ever want to push you to the front of the line. MNC doesn't hold your hand. If you fall behind, you damn well better pick your *** up and get moving or you're going to keep failing and falling behind.
  9. Kel

    Kel New Member

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    Too much bugs, only 5 :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: maps (please, it's not 1993 and we don't have floppy disk, give me MAAAPS), server browser needs improvement

    And I think server admins can't kick maps out of the pool, which is ******* retarded ....
  10. d-roy

    d-roy Active Member

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    I'd say it's because core gamers are dying out. There's so much hand-holding in games nowadays that the current gen "gamers" simply suck at games. New gamers will never learn patience.

    When a game like MNC with a fairly competitive ruleset comes along, they're simply not willing the learn and blames the game for not holding their hand.

    And I agree with Thaco.
  11. kotay

    kotay New Member

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    i agree with you that good gamers are dying out and that the current generation of new players just want easy kills and fail to understand that they are bad because they need practise.

    However I do not feel that this is the case in mnc, I think that lack of maps and how ridiculously easy this game is are the two main problems.

    This game is like many games, it is a 3ps/fps and that is the first thing you will notice, however the confusion comes with this game being a dota/moba game, creeps etc. but mnc has very little other dota aspects.

    Dota games are very popular, as are fps games, however this game kind of is neither one nor the other, and is very easy whilst dota games are very hard and unforgiving. I am not sure if making this game more or less dota would be the answer, if it was just a tdm game i think it would be more popular, **** bots just kill each other, or if it was made more dota, 3 lanes, sticking to lanes, proper farming, items, jungling, ganking and so on maybes it would be more popular, but i guess it would be hard to achieve, would need way more characters, and also items etc. which i imagine would be a problem as how to make non imba items and more classes?

    so tl;dr more maps and make game harder
  12. Robbert

    Robbert New Member

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    I don't agree with you Kotay. If you would make this game harder, the more experienced players would still wreck the newer players, what already happens. If you want people stick to a game, they must have the feeling they at least do something for the team. And because new players mostly think about kill not about the bots, they start playing deathmatch, go 0-15 and decide that this game sucks. The only way to stop this is get a class that's good at doing something easy and learn that to the new players. So my suggestion would be: Get a tutorial for the Assassin, show how to play her, and then slowly people would learn to play this game.
  13. TheWilder

    TheWilder New Member

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    I have played 1140 hours of TF2 and I still don't consider myself as a good player, I played 257 hours of MNC and I consider myself as a top tier Assault together with guy who haves 336 hours of MNC (sup OD). No, MNC is not hard to l2p and its caused by the fact there is no chalenge or good players (I bet that you can call like 20-30 ppl good in this game, others suck).
    And even I can play Sniper in this game (which is caused by the fact he is OP, but it supports the fact that the game is easy to play)
  14. Biwact

    Biwact New Member

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    I love MNC and find it better than TF2 (making no comparison just find myself playing MNC more)

    First day I played MNC was at the Free Weekend when the sale was around $10 or $9 I believe, and sure I played the Assassin in my first match and was doing poorly at first, but after a while through trial and error I knew what the Sin was good at and wasn't good at.

    Then I got better (not saying I'm a pro) by searching up tips on sites like these.

    So in tl;dr terms: Gamers that look up tips, guides, etc. or practice, are getting overshadowed by gamers that don't even play Tutorials or rage after a few games
  15. kotay

    kotay New Member

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    i fully agree with the last two posts

    also i understand that if you make it harder then experienced players will own the noobs, but that happens now anyway and will always happen in every game.

    a decent matchmaking system would be good that only puts players of similar skill level together, also a decent rating system not just 5 stars but points for win, lose points for losses, problem with this is though you need a lot of people playing the game first so it would work properly, which leads us back to the problem of player retention
  16. hobo-with-a-shotgun

    hobo-with-a-shotgun Active Member

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    People leave because most matches are boring, not the game itself. Either my team gets rolled or their team gets rolled. It's not fair and I do not blame anyone for leaving the game, I know I'm getting bored of how most games pan out.
  17. Dubblebass

    Dubblebass New Member

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    Now that I have played some, I can see the skill gap everyone is talking about. The game really isn't difficult to learn, but mastering each class can be tough. I am tackling one at a time to make sure I am contributing as much as I can.

    What I find that I don't like (speaking as a new player) is that 1) too many tend to play as a deathmatch and 2) WAY too many people are concerned with their KD ratio. I mean, the object is to win right? Even if I come in 4th or 5th on the team, if we win, and I have done what I am supposed to do (Heal, Hack, Escort, spawn bots, etc.) then I have a lot of fun. If we lose, even if I come in 1st or have the best KD on the team, I still wish we would have won. :)

    But I see so many people say "Look at my p kills!" or "My KD ROXXORZ!!1!!1!1" and they didn't do a whole lot to push their team to win. It is frustrating. Maybe it is because I am playing on 3 star servers while I learn.

    I don't know. Am I missing the point of the game? Is winning moot and KD the be all end all?
  18. Vlane

    Vlane New Member

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    A good assassin has most of the time a negative K/D when playing against good people even if his team wins. That is all I have to say.
  19. Coverop

    Coverop New Member

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    This game can be boring you play on empty server waiting for new players (foreveralone.jpg).

    I'm finding more fun things to do in this game somehow...
    I mean just kill a (dumb) jackbot.

    Yes MNC can be boring for some players. The reason? PLAYERS!
  20. TNine

    TNine New Member

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    That couldn't possibly be because that the MNC community is measured in hundreds while the TF2 community is measured in millions? And there are many more try-hards in TF2 than in MNC.

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