MNC - Option for Teamjoining

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat PC Wishlist' started by Wutoholik, January 2, 2011.

  1. Wutoholik

    Wutoholik New Member

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    Hey Guys,

    first of all I have to say that i love ur game that much. Bought 4 days ago and have already over 30h of playing time. But with every minute more I realize how tactic intensive this game is and how annoying it is to play with random people and don't be able to build a team. So I really want to have an option to build a team. I know that this is problematic on public servers, because of team balancing, but perhaps you can add an option for dedicated servers which allow manual team joining, so that the players who want to play with friends can join this servers and the others the other servers. Or perhaps integrate something like an Team-Lobby we all now well from L4D2-Versus mode. The second one is much more time intensive to integrate but would prepare your game also for leagues or tournaments.
    I hope u are open for that wish and find a solution for this issue.
    When this suggestion was made before I apologize for making it again, i have already searched many pages of the forum, but don't find a similar one.

    Thank you for your time,


    PM: Excuse my bad englisch, I am from Germany
  2. Pluberus

    Pluberus New Member

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    Use the console command changeteam.


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