Hey folks - if you are part of the MNC PM List you already know that this Monday, the 28th of May, I am going to be doing private matches at 7:00 PM EST. If you are interested but not a member, please send a message via Xbox Live this weekend to either RandomToon or MNC PM List and I will try to include you. Also, it helps to appear online since that is how invites will be sent... There will likely only be one host (me), unless we actually get 24 people interested (unlikely) so it will be first come first served. If things go well, I ultimately would like to start hosting them each Monday until either interest wanes, or the NFL starts its regular season Monday Night Football program. If you do not already know, my house rules are as follows; 20 Minute match, 2 minute OT Only one of each class, class change is allowed Juice buying is disabled Don't use game chat during games - party chat only (it helps with lag) Only build the two starting turrets - if they get destroyed you can make them whatever you want, but only use the two starting nubs Spunky Cola will not be played, but Grenade III will be It is a great time to try it out if you have not already. Please be ready to commit to more than one match though - results will be posted here after the games. Thanks!!
Sadly, turnout was low - which is totally understandable given that it is an old game - so no game was held. I will still pub it up, but won't be pursuing PMs anymore unless I get a lot more interest. I might do a pick up here and there if there are a lot of people playing but I don't think I will be organizing anything regularly. Thanks all for the great times
Sorry, I would have joined but I have a hard time making room for it through the week. My best times are on the weekend. If you need more players, like legitly need more, I have a few that will join and I'll try to make some time. PMs are fun, so I wouldn't mind making room for it if it's at risk of dying out.
Sort of an old thread but let me know who to add. I have been really out of things lately so don't know how they have been. Thanks.