Hi, I just wanted to ask about potentially modding Monday Night Combat. If it's alright for me to do that, are there any resources you can provide to help? I am a bit lost figuring out where to start, I have some experience with C++, modelling and animation, and would appreciate anything to guide me. I will be sharing what I learn with other members of the MNC community, and hopefully we can get things going, figure out what's needed first, and then someday develop something interesting. I've made a page and a group to help other people attempt to do the same, currently there isn't really much to show but I plan on making regular updates and making it easier for people to get started as information is a bit scarce on modding MNC. I can't post links, but the Steam group is called MNC Modding, there's a link on there to a blog I recently started where I'll try and simplify the steps for other members of the community. Thanks!
I know a very few things. -MNC is Unreal, and SMNC at least is Unreal3 2012 package iirc. There is an Unreal 3 Development Kit 2012. This is guestimation, could be wrong about versions. -The assets were able to be gotten hold of for submitting custom gear to Uber for SMNC toward the end of content development for it. I assume it's not cooked, or if it is, there's some way to unpackage it. -I remember unpackaging sound files for a ringtone, so those are packaged, and usually "compiled" unrealscript is also packaged but can also be unpackaged. A similar game/engine, that is free and has active development and community development, is RenegadeX. They have a forum and some tools and tips, that should at least apply to SMNC, if not also MNC. -A "Modification" to a Unreal engine game, is called a "Mutator". I do recall MNC Classic having Mutator servers on the PC for the end of it's populated days, stuff that makes snipers slightly less assanine lethal. Someone figured that out, so it in fact has to be possible. If you need any more help, I am of limited use, I am "aware" of all this but not "skilled" in anything but the simplest coding creation and modification for unrealscript and ruby. Uber's usually been friendly, but they're a company too, so also best to pass this by them. The most involved member of the community that also became involved with official Uber development, that should know anything about actual Unreal development specifically for MNC and SMNC, is @LennardF1989 .