MNC Memories

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 General Discussion' started by peachypony, December 26, 2011.

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  1. peachypony

    peachypony Active Member

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    I played MNC a lot for almost a year and i'm feeling rather nostalgic. I wanted to see what I could remember and what others can remember over the year inside the game and the MNC forums/videos. I went through some of my older posts to help me remember.

    -Video that made me want to buy MNC

    -Getting pubstomped for the first time by Shammas and some of his flunkies on stream

    -Patch being the first person from the forums that thought I was any good

    -I love my mommyyy throwing those across the map airstrikes on g3

    -DbowiLL still denying boosting after quitting the game. still a nice guy

    -BoltAktion giving me my first melee death

    -People hacking turrets through wall and shooting money balls down pre patch

    -Purposely hunting Kckzi down when he use to be in pubs all the time by himself before he got famous

    -Going assault EVERY time against sigmar

    -Getting pubstomped by Hudson and friends but actually having fun in the process

    -Destroying a pub stomping party, getting paired with them next game and they all go tank just to trap me in spawn for the whole game

    -Deadeye trash talking for months and then finally get matched up against him against insanely stacked teams and embarrassing him in front of his party. feeling bad for how upset he got

    -Ghos7 being one of the best at juice chaining early on

    -Organus "playing to win" but always failing even in parties



    -Juicing on same players constantly

    -Chasing people back into spawn

    -1600 microsoft point MNC lessons


    I'll add more as other people jog my memory.
  2. aflyingtaco

    aflyingtaco Member

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    Peachy you forgot Teapot calling you an average player who juices too much
  3. Undercover_Thudercat

    Undercover_Thudercat New Member

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    "-Destroying a pub stomping party, getting paired with them next game and they all go tank just to trap me in spawn for the whole game"

    LAWL that is ******* hilarious

    My memories of MNC are...

    ...****, man, I've only ever played this game stoned out of my mind, and I have no memories of it. I think I played with this one guy who had a lot of numbers at the end of his name. And a funny smelling midget.
  4. peachypony

    peachypony Active Member

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    Lol, I would need to make a separate thread for all the people who have called me a juice whore.

    I know it was funny at the time because I had played awhile and never seen that. They were all little noobies and it was just funny that they devised that plan so we all just laughed at each other the whole game.

    I wish I played MNC more stoned...regrets
  5. crimsonautumn

    crimsonautumn Active Member

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    -Juice hunted by PP



    -G A II N K



    -and let's not forget Jordan, dude, he's a MIRACLE!


    MLG padding with Zooo0000OOOo000oooooOOOm, Light my north Korean, and Jon2212122121.

    -Being 12 and being better than ALL OF YOU! exept for Wei long, he's beast, oh and G A II N K he still caries me in cod4. Oh ya and Make Me Boost.
  6. ZOoo00OOm

    ZOoo00OOm New Member

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    North Korea is best Korea
  7. Undercover_Thudercat

    Undercover_Thudercat New Member

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    Hell yeah, dude. I don't see how stoners wouldn't want to play this game stoned. It's got:

    Silly, cartoonish graphics.
    Great mix of exaggerated slapstick humor that's perfect for stoners
    The assault's eyes are red as ****
    Simple gameplay mechanics with complex strategy
    A very silly setting and plot
    Churros and Bacon
    Lots of hilarious ways to troll

    Game was so obviously made to cater to stoners.

    If I was gonna go forreals on my best memories, they'd include:

    -Any gameplay with Jon, Tom, TheBoom, Scented Midget, Rev Rabies, and Oompa/JMV/Jake/Whatever the hell we call him

    -Starting up the original TEG team as the "anti pubstompers"

    -Claiming zatchmo's pub stomping team as TEG's first major pub stomping victory (still to this day one of the most intense matches I've ever played...God Zatch was a beast tank back in the day)

    -The first time I realized I was one of the better players, which happened when me, Towel Warrior, and Zato Nein were beating Oxy Team's pub stomping group so bad that I was actually going for melee kills on Hudson's tank...when I was an assassin.

    -All the private matches ever played. Honestly, nobody realizes how fun this game actually is until you've fucked with the competitive scene.

    -All the times I've come close to melee killing Tom, only for him to jump off of the map so that I couldn't get it.

    -Trying to learn clawing gunner and failing miserably (Scented Midget killed me from point blank range with a sniper SMG while I was trying to claw gunner him...shame)

    -First meeting Jon, Tom, and Scented Midget via the "Snarf" gimmick that has become infamous to the early community

    -All of the laughs I've gotten on the forums from Midget, Jon, and Deadstretch

    -Bangathon (WHERE DID HE GO??? :( )

    God this game was good. But the thing is, ultimately, it was the community, not the game, that was so addictive. Just an all around awesome cast of characters. <3
  8. meat

    meat New Member

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    Because drugs are for losers.

    On topic :

    - Ninja Wallace charging Snack 1600 microsoft points for an Assault tutorial.

    - An Arctic Fox 100th retirement party.

    - Getting pubstomped by Sink8's party.

    - Watching Xcalizorz's and Xenonox's videos.

    - Improving.

    - Embarrassing Sink8's party alone.

    - Sigmar popping 9 heads out of 10 quickscopes.

    - Realizing that this game is so laggy as fvck.

    - Checking

    - 300+ ping

    - SH!T
  9. De Troll

    De Troll New Member

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    -"Dey ball down"

    -Sig's general antics.

    -Anything Grand Prize related (90% of my MNC memories).

    -Shooting down Peachy's moneyball and denying it repeatedly. XD


    -PU5H's wisdom.

    Just a few for now.
  10. Ninja Wallace

    Ninja Wallace New Member

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    I did?

    Shout-outs to yan for being too good at every class and Manouso for being SO MAD.
  11. That Dutch Guy

    That Dutch Guy New Member

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    'oh god i'm taunting' got me every time.

    Also, gapshot spams on Spunky, obliterating moneyballs with the asult, trolling AEROS (oh god trolling AEROS) and Arctic Fury, of course.
  12. peachypony

    peachypony Active Member

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    Played a lot with xcal...definitely solid in MNC.

    Shammas you're a dirty slut. :D

    -Wiping entire waves of buzzers with sniper explosive rounds

    -Posting nude pics on TEG

    -Deploying/taunting in front of spawn doors

    -Headcrab delay + taunt

    -Spending whole games leashing noobie gunners to boost their self esteem

    -Giggling when people juice on me and chase me around the map

    -The moment someone sees your character glowing and runs

    -Watching my noobie teammate air strike a bouncer and trying to bunny hop away
  13. That Dutch Guy

    That Dutch Guy New Member

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    definitely bad memories there
  14. The_Jeff

    The_Jeff New Member

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    - GP shenanigans (Shammas' and my bromance with PU5H)
    - winning FN tourney tipsy every match (except destiny)
    - My first match vs Chron, I freaked because I knew I found natural skill
    - Boostvention's antics
    - My name changing to Jeff
    - Who/exactly ordeal
    - Pubs basically being my zone out and talk time
    - Being told we played oxyteam and won. I found out like a week later. I was in the game. "They played us!? oh cool, good job guys."
    - winning pubs with Chron with only melees
    - Spawn mortering TEG
    - Taunting on the opposing team's clock to assert my dominance
    - Quotes from Push, Jon a beast, sigga Ni***, etc.
    - "Oh my god! I'm taunting! I'm taunting!
  15. gunked

    gunked New Member

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    -playing with forum lurkers and mnc pewb'salts

    -placing a invisible firebase

    -receiving hatemail

    -sending Apocalypse daily hate mail to provoke him

    -getting charge 3 grappled out of an attempted sui-strike
  16. aflyingtaco

    aflyingtaco Member

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  17. ZOoo00OOm

    ZOoo00OOm New Member

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    I want to see it
  18. dadale1990

    dadale1990 Member

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    The MNC flame war(everyone vs. COR/FEEDLE) only about half of todays forums were apart of. If only crimsonFall, choiio,or gunked etc.. could've witnessed it. That was the greatest time of mnc especially the beginning of it.
  19. Undercover_Thudercat

    Undercover_Thudercat New Member

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    Tom and Jon were too ******* funny during this time period.
  20. gunked

    gunked New Member

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    got here towards the end of that.
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