If you die to melee, take 2 shots. If you are rungout, take 1 shot* If you ringout someone, take 1 sip* *Same two rules for flapjack, headshot, sword kill, heal hurt gun kill. Product grenade kill, headcrab everyone takes a sip. If you die to the shuriken launcher grapple - finish your drink bitch! If the mascot dies, 1 shot. When the Jackbot kills someone take a shot. When your shields go down take a shot. As tank, if you get face stabbed by an assassin take a shot. If you are rung out as assault take 2 shots instead of one for failing at life. If someone gets bacon, everyone else take a sip. If you get killed with juice, take a shot. If you have more than $1000 take a shot for being scrooge mc duck. If someone dies to a lazerblazer, everyone takes a shot. If a teammate builds a longshot under the ring or on steelpeel, take three shots to drown your sorrows. If you die to the anihilator, drink a cup of hot sauce for getting anihilated. If you have any more rules feel free to add them!
Everytime you get 100+ ping take a shot and for the longshot make it 1 shot per level (1 shot for level 1, 2 shots for 2, etc.)
If you are the third person on your team to lock in assassin exit the game and drink until you are dead.
Go gunner against Verden, Hentai, or Tiblolan. Every time you get shot in the head take a shot. I happen to like to get drunk quickly.
Haven't tried it against Hentai or Tiblolan but verden has it rather difficult to get a headshot on me or Myst as gunner so I would play it, if I would drink alcohol.
Every time Arso headshots you across the map when he's a support flying over the rainbow and you're an invisible assassin lunging and meleeing off a jumppad on another server, or some simillar ridiculously impossible thing, take a shot. After my only game with him today I'm already out of vodka.