I'm getting tired of these so called self proclaimed best. There only 200,000 + players you can't believe yourself to be the best when you A. Have been beaten before B. Played someone who was better then you at your best class C. Haven't played everyone to really know that. I'm ranked in the 50's in earning 50's in kills and 40 in wins. I don't proclaim myself to be the best at any class and i don't ask for 1600 ms point to train people to be the best. Why do certain people believe them self to be the best Ex Sig and Sham . Let people speak for you not your profile and because you beat 20 people who just came to the game.
i wouldn't let it bother you...they just feel the need to project and try and impress their internet friends. it's the same concept as putting your 85-2 1v1 record in your profile.
peachy your nice i play with you a lot. It doesn't get to me but it's just weird cause i beat them when they don't play in teams but there say there the best . :idea: lets all say we the best dj khaled
ya trust me i go against parties of 3+ who trash talk me for no reason. i've been gaming online for over a decade so it's not like it's nothing I haven't heard or seen before. i can really only feel sympathy for elitist gamers
Again I have to say who cares. It's a game, for y'know, fun. If people want to waste their lives getting better at a video game then bragging about it, good for them. I'm a level 99 but damn I have to be the worst one. Pretty much every other 99 has me beat. Doesn't really matter though since the game's fun whether I win or lose (ok well it's not so fun when our spawns are trapped/grenaded and I usually leave if I'm rolled that hard twice or more) point is play the game to have fun and if others aren't making it fun, your fault for not leaving/defriending/ignoring on the forums... I see your karate kid montage and raise you a Rocky IV montage. DRAGOOOOOOOOO....
Advice: Add people who annoy you to your ignore list, seek out the members of the community that are far more relaxed, and play the game to have fun. Most of us don't play on a competitive level.
Screw that, I see your Karate Kid montage and Rocky IV montage, and go all in with my Bloodsport training montage where an old japanese man uses his odd torture/sex machine to make sure I can do the splits in midair. Booyah!