1. GriffCannon90

    GriffCannon90 New Member

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    I'd love to see a sequel. Possibly even make it a retail $60 product. Add a couple new classes, 12 or so maps blitz and crossfire maps total, a couple new game modes like ctf or straight-up deathmatch. Ad some new features such as something I think would be neat, nodes similar to the ejector but they're small sentry turrets that fight for you for a set duration. New bots, like small leeches that jump onto your character and drain you endorsements to bronze until a teammate or friendly bot/turret shoots it off (or you use an aoe ability like a tank's death blossom or gunner's slam).

    And here's what's been the cool thing going through my head: add a co-op story mode :eek: Plot-wise I was thinking maybe you'd be one of the clones and you and a small group of other clones who don't like the idea of being created just to die for their amusement of thousands of spectators, so you and your group bust out, fighting bots and other combatants through corridors and on the arena floor, finally managing to escape, only to realize the world outside is corrupt and ruled by fear. As dark as the story sounds there would be much humor throughout. That's all I got so far, I'm just imagining an assault running through the streets having a shootout with corrupt cops and police bots with coppers flying overhead, it's pretty epic.

    Edit: Not trying to say I want it by next year or within the next couple years, I'm just saying it's something to think about.
    Last edited: January 26, 2011

    IPUR3 EVIL New Member

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    I dont like the idea of a co-op story mode as thats not what mnc is about. As for a sequel, well it would be nice but we are not done with the first one yet, dont be so impatient.
  3. Saint Mudknot

    Saint Mudknot New Member

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    Yah lets wait for the current MNC to get molded into what it needs to. and hope it get a big pull of people. Its not uncommon for lower ranked games to become blockbuster. Look at Portal/Team Fortress
  4. GriffCannon90

    GriffCannon90 New Member

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    Yeah, I'm not saying set a release date by next year, I'm just saying it's something to think about.

    IPUR3 EVIL New Member

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    When i get my jackbot i will look towards the next mnc, i have a long long time yet.
  6. Undertaker4uplr

    Undertaker4uplr New Member

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    Good ideas, but would be surprised if it happened. Not sure it can compete with the big franchises when it comes to longevity. When a new full $60 release comes out every year, with several map packs/updates in between, all being guaranteed sells these days, its going to be hard to keep up for such a small company. Kinda sad in a way because I'd rather wait for quality instead of quantity.

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