How long until the first update?? Because i believe that this game should be updated by priority in many little updates and not just one BIG update... Like update the Private match Lobbies and Major Glitches first... then in the next updates try to fix/nerf/buff any class issues or anything(i believe the classes are balanced as is.) I was just wondering if any MNC admins can give a date or a list of broad topics/Issues that are being worked on/Fixed atm. or in the next path/update.
Uber hasn't haven't said much on the topic except that they can change the weapon stats whenever they want so you don't need to wait for a patch for that to happen. In past experince, devs wait a week or two so they can catch all the bugs in one update. And the patch has to go through microsoft first. I made it all up but I think it sounds right :lol:
give them time, there has already been a bunch "want update" topics give them time find glitches and tell them ,that helps them, (i hope )
I read somewhere that they can do minor updates to the game at potentially any time. This is important because Microsoft otherwise makes patches wait for very LONG periods before going up. There's also the test process. Sure, they could quick slap a fix for every little thing people complain about... but frankly I'd rather wait 2 more days for them to do it right, then to have to constantly redo it because something got borked.