Missing Textures & Spawning Without Weapon

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat PC Feedback and Issues' started by kurina, December 18, 2010.

  1. kurina

    kurina Member

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    Two more problems to report today :D

    First up, I seem to be having an issue with textures, or what I imagine to be missing textures. Instead of the proper image appearing, I am instead seeing quite a few black squares at times. It does not seem to be very consistent though. For example, when an assassin dashes nearby, it will show the trail behind her as it normally should. However, other times I am presented with a giant string of black boxes. This also happens during normal gun battles, and it can be a bit distracting at times.

    To help explain the problem better than I ever could though, here is a very small video clip at the start of one round, where the texture issue is pretty apparent. Below the video is a link to my DxDiag.txt file so you have any additional system information you may need.

    Missing Textures Video (Xvid, 15MB, no sound)

    The second problem I am noticing today is that occasionally, I spawn without a weapon all together and cannot attack. The first time it happened, I was playing as an assault class and died. I respawned and charged back out into the fray, only to realize I did not have a weapon in my hand and could not fire. I chalked it up to the possibility of lag, and did not think much else of it. The weapon popped back into my hands after mashing the button a few times.

    This evening though, I decided to play a few more games and it happened a few more times while playing an assassin. I am still unable to determine whether this is a lag based issue or not, and things are just not syncing well. The weapon did appear in these later games, but it still took a small bit of time to happen. I have a small video clip I can upload if it helps, but didn't seem like it really offered much information.

    A screenshot though! Sorry for the poor quality, is a screencap from gameplay I was recording.
  2. kristina718

    kristina718 New Member

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    I've had the missing weapon :p
  3. Torinir

    Torinir New Member

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    I've seen the texture problem on occasion.

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