Minor suggestions and bugs

Discussion in 'Support!' started by Arachnis, October 19, 2013.

  1. Arachnis

    Arachnis Well-Known Member

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    I didn't see a thread that covered these. Some of those suggestions cover bugs, some of them are just things I'd like to see implemented into the game.

    Things I'd like to see implemented:

    1. A way to move buildings that you have put in your building-queue, but that haven't been built yet by just dragging them around, like in SupCom.

    2. A way to kick players from your game lobby.

    3. A chat room for the lobby (where you select your games)

    4. A buddy list (this has probably been mentioned about a hundred times before) + a way to make a friends only game.

    5. Making your workers reclaim with the patrol command (like in SupCom)

    6. Allowing ship fabs to build radar. Atm the sonar is acting like a radar for naval units. Imo it should only show units and building in the water, but it's showing land units as well. So I'd say make it only show units and buildings in the water, but let ship fabs be able to build radar as well.

    7. Let nuke-launchers be able to be built on water.
    Since spawning on water is possible now, some players might neglect ground units completely. But imo in order to play as a "water-faction" nukes should be buildable on water, too.


    1. There is a "bug" that when you fire on something with a Holkins for example, at a target that is out of your sight, but covered by your radar, you can mouse-over your Holkins and actually read what it is they're firing at. I guess this isn't working as intended.

    2. There is a "bug" when you want to build a radar, it shows you it's detection range. That's fine and working, but sometimes it acts like you already built the radar and shows enemy units in it's range when you're trying to choose a spot to build it. It could be that this is fixed already, I don't know.

    3. Sometimes workers are unable to move, because they're getting stuck in your army. It would be nice if they'd somehow just push other units out of the way, instead of just doing nothing and getting stuck between your own units. This is even worse with ships. I know this is WIP, so no need to remind me.

    4. Normal radar is stopping to work when you're out of power, but as far as I know advanced radar is still continueing to work. I don't know if this is a bug or working as intended.

    This is all for now, if I remember more, I'll update this post.
    And I'm sorry if all those things have been mentioned before.

    Last edited: October 19, 2013
  2. Arachnis

    Arachnis Well-Known Member

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    Update: Found two new bugs.

    1. You can build underwater. I think this works with energy plants only, but one never knows.
    If you try to build an energy plant right next to another one on water, then the game tries to adjust your template so that it makes a row with the other one. At this moment, if you get your mouse cursor close enough to the other plant, it wants to build it underwater.

    2. Ship fabs don't move towards an orbital launcher when being told to assist it.

    Edit: And another one I just remembered.

    Sometimes when hosting a game (maybe only when rehosting it) it will show you an ice template at the top right, even if the starting planet is no ice planet. If you launch the game you'll get a whole planet of glitchy mountain biome. This can be prevented by reloading the system before publishing it.
    Last edited: October 19, 2013
  3. websterx01

    websterx01 Post Master General

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    Since this is minor bugs, I (and a few others) keep getting the weird thing of "Failure to login" and then "login accepted," then we enter the lobby. it is weird, even though it doesn't seem to hurt anything.

    Edit: On top of that, I just realized that it also says "Returning to Main Menu" no matter what. Though, I think that's known
  4. lightcaster

    lightcaster New Member

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    The word Orbital on the Avenger is backwards when you select the actual unit
  5. Culverin

    Culverin Post Master General

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    Yep. I've already cataloged this one.
    The link to "Community Requested GUI Features" in my sig.

    Modify waypoints. Drag to relocated, add, delete. (Ex. Cancel build, cancel attack, change reclaim target, change move destination)

    Cheers :)
  6. Arachnis

    Arachnis Well-Known Member

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    And another one, that I just remembered:
    If you want to switch to a saved camera viewpoint on another planet, you have to zoom out into orbital view, and zoom in again before you can select any units on that planet. The game still seems to think that you're operating on the other planet. It was quite a while ago that I experienced this bug, so it could be fixed already.
  7. Arachnis

    Arachnis Well-Known Member

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    There's also a bug which sometimes prevents you from upgrading your T1 to T2 meta extractors when they're on water.

    And btw: It would be really cool if we could just drag-build walls instead of having to put every single section of it.
    Last edited: October 21, 2013

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